Need help with my filter....



Hey guys, well after alot of research and thought, I have decided that I want as hands free a filtration system in my tank as possible. The tank is a 60 gal soon to be reef tank. I was thinking I can use Eheim canisters. What media should I fill them with? I already have two canisters (thanks greg!). Should I even go this route or try a sump? If I go sump, is a 10 gallon sump enough? I have been looking for detailed instructions on how to build the sump, but without result. Any help appreciated guys!! Thanks!!!


Active Member
Sump would be more convenient if you have the room...everything goes into the nothing clouding up the tank...
You need to decide on what you want for filtration...chemical, bio and mechanical...then decide on what you will use most.
Both of my main tanks are sumped...I have bio filtration on each and that is about it. I have the ability though to use mechanical or chemical if need be.
How much water you want to turn over...if the tank isnt drilled, then you will have to determine which overflow system will be best for you along with the return pump.
After you make all these decisions...put it on paper and plan accordingly.
They may be intimidating at first...but are a breeze once you get into it.