need help with my powerheads


New Member
I just recently bought a maxi jet 600 for my 29 gal and I am wondering where and how to position it. How did u guys do yours? Also should I keep
the jet pointed up towards the surface or straight across the tank?


Active Member
i put mine in the corner going across the lr at an angle back left across to front right you also might want to put in another opposite corners where in tx?


Active Member
i also have a 29 gal. preparing to go to a 150 in my 29 i have 1 maxi 1200 a seaclone protein skimmer (which also has a maxi-jet 1200) a whisper filter which doe's 200 gph. about 35 lbs. of lr and 1/2 in. black sand and too many fish 3 green chromis 1 blue devil damsel 1 scooter blennie 1 royal gramma 3 emerald crabs 1 fiddler crab and 5 turbo snails getting ready to get a perc. clown fish but like i said new tank set up in a month so the fish should be fine :happyfish


New Member
Sounds cool. I just have CC, 5 1/2 pounds of LR that maxi 600 and the filter that came with the tank. I also have 3 perc clowns that are doin real good so far. I am planning on getting more LR when I get some money. I was a little scared about putting them in there so early like I did but I finally got the parameters all worked out and everything seems good. Those clowns are real cool and they went through alot so far. Real tough.


Active Member
you are going to want to get rid of the cc substrate and go to ls if you read through these forums you will agree the ls is much better if you do decide to take it out vaccuum the area real good and only take out a couple of nets worth at a time once a week or so


New Member
That is what my LFS recommended when I was setting up the tank. At the time I really did not no anything at all about saltwater. I have learned alot since then though and I wish I did have sand in there.