Need Help With My Proclear Aqautic Filter

l.i. geo

Having Trouble Starting The Syphon Into The Prefilter Box. My Tank Is Not Drilled Its The Hang On Pre Filter Box. Can Someone Please Call Me And Help Me Out, It Would Be Greatly Appreciated. My # Is 631- 648 0649. Thank You Much. The Name Is George.


i have one and make sure both sides are under water. Then put the tube up the tube and suck out the air. That's all you need to do.


Active Member
As Beatlesfan indicated... Get an air hose... insert it into the u-tube until it reaches the top of the arch. Put the u-tube in the overflow box, make sure both compartments are full of water and suck the air out with the air hose. The u-tube will fill with water and then you can pull the air hose out.