Need help with mystery


I have had two fish just disappear. Several of my snails have nothing left but the shells. And now a feather duster is gone. The fish that disappeared were two firefish. The first one to go had one paticular rock that she hung out in. I saw her swim into the rock one day and I didn't see her again for 3 weeks. She came out that time to eat. When she went back into the rock I never saw her again. The other firefish had a different rock. But after the first one went missing I saw him swim into her rock and poof he was gone. That has been around 4-5 months. Over time I noticed that I didn't have as many snails. And then the other night I saw where a large feather duster that was in the back of my tank was gone. I had thought at one time it was a mantis so I made a trap with a coke bottle. But all I "caught" was the three snails that I have left. I have never seen anything or heard anything. I turned off all the pumps and filters and waited until it calmed down and got my sethascope out and listened and heard nothing. The tank is in my den so I was thinking that if it was a mantis I would have heard it at some time. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be and how to get it out? I want to get more firefish but not until I find out what happened to the others.


Active Member
could be a crab. try lookin in your tank at night with a red filtered light. try the coke bottle again with a nice piece of shrimp in it


your cleanup crew could devour a sick or dead fish o'nite...i lost a few fish with no remains at all which remains a mystery. also if that cleanup crew includes hermits, they can kill the snails to get access to their shells. finding empty shells at least supports that theory.
Also if it was a Mantis you would not need a scope to hear it trust me, my Pistol can be heard on the otherside of the house and Mantis are just as loud.


i get confused between mysis and mantis and the hitchhiker section is not clear: is one good and one bad? which is which? can these things propogate from a refugium? i have lots of tiny creatures swimming around and another post is making me thinks its one of these types....


Active Member
Originally Posted by LAZARUS
then why do they sell mantis on this website?
There are a lot of hobbiests who love to keep species tanks. Not something that I would want with that specific species, but to each his own...right??
Lisa :happyfish


Someone told me that it might be a gorilla crab but again I've seen nothing. When I tried the coke bottle trap I used a piece of shrimp. Is it something that you have to just keep putting in there. I put it in and left it for a couple of days. Then I took it out and cleaned it and put another piece of shrimp in and left it in a couple more days. Nothing but my snails. In looking at my tank while feeding last night none of my snails came out. I don't have crabs in my tank cause I really don't like them. So if it is a crab he came in on live rock. I felt like if it was a mantis that by now I would have heard him. Like I said the tank is in the den and has has been set up about 1 1/2 years. The last time I added any live rock was a year ago. I assume that if it is a mantis that he has grown so that he needs larger items to eat. TeresaQ why the red filtered light? Is that something they can't see? I love to watch my tank at night with a flashlight to see what you usually don't see during the day. So I'll buy a red filter tonight to see if that works. I'm willing to try anything. I have a royal gramma now and am worried that he is going to be the next victim.
If it is a mantis you would hear a small series of clicks that will be easily recognizable. I would have to agree with the Gorilla Crab, they are nasty little buggers.