I have had two fish just disappear. Several of my snails have nothing left but the shells. And now a feather duster is gone. The fish that disappeared were two firefish. The first one to go had one paticular rock that she hung out in. I saw her swim into the rock one day and I didn't see her again for 3 weeks. She came out that time to eat. When she went back into the rock I never saw her again. The other firefish had a different rock. But after the first one went missing I saw him swim into her rock and poof he was gone. That has been around 4-5 months. Over time I noticed that I didn't have as many snails. And then the other night I saw where a large feather duster that was in the back of my tank was gone. I had thought at one time it was a mantis so I made a trap with a coke bottle. But all I "caught" was the three snails that I have left. I have never seen anything or heard anything. I turned off all the pumps and filters and waited until it calmed down and got my sethascope out and listened and heard nothing. The tank is in my den so I was thinking that if it was a mantis I would have heard it at some time. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be and how to get it out? I want to get more firefish but not until I find out what happened to the others.