Need help with new light setup


Hi everyone. I am getting a light setup with 2x 250 MH DE HQI 15k and 4x 56 T5 actinics. What's are everyone's thoughts of the coloration? I'm worried about it being too blue. One thought is only use the actinics for dusk/dawn and not operate during the MH.


What about just the 15k bulb? I am understanding it will depend in brand and ballast, but generally they are more blue than not alone right?


Active Member
Depends.....What bulb brand are you using or considering.....I've used XM and I think it comes down to what you consider blue.....


Active Member
On my 240 I started with the XM 10k and hated the color.....Good par, but hated the color....If you play with the nipple orientation on the bulb to the socket it's a little better, but still IMHO not appealing.....The XM 20k is a nice bulb but poor par......Should have asked is your fixture DE or SE......
Here's an old, but good link to read......