Need help with selecting fish


New Member
I have just cycled a 75 gallon tank for my first saltwater experience. I know I want a Picasso Trigger but what else could I also incorporate into my new community. I like the black Damsels, but I've heard the Triggerfish will eat them.....but what if they both are small? I just need help since I'm new I guess. I need to hear some experienced opions.


although you could probably get away with it in a 75 (at least for a while) the min. tank for a picasso is a 80gal+...
as for tank mates a would go for an eel (snowflake, chainlink) and a dwarf lion...


i personally like blue throat triggers (males) but they are only a little smaller than picasso triggers, so if you really want a picasso go for that...just keep in mind that you may need to upgrade in a few years although i think either of those would be fine in a 75 for a while (i'm going with a blue throat in my 75 but i also plan to upgrade within 2 years)...
i'd be interested in hearing others views about tank size for triggers...


Hi JBax, a huma will do good in your tank for a longtime. It may get to big for your tank, huma huma triggerfish get 10 in. and need a minimum tank of 80 gallons, when it does out grow your tank, you will have to sell it, or get a new tank. Huma humas are nice triggerfish, but can become aggressive. Other great triggerfish choices are male blue jaw triggerfish. These triggerfish are beautiful, they are a bit pricey though. Around 50 bucks. The male blue jaw trigger (also female, but males are a lot btter in my opinion) is what I think the nicest trigerfish. I would go with the male blue jaw, they are wonderful. Other good additions would be an eel. Maybe asnowflake, or chainlink. These eels are the one of the less aggressive eels, and are hardy, and don't get big. ANother fish you can get is a dwarf zebra or dwarf fuzzy lionfish. So you can get a huma huma trigger, eel, lion, or male blue jaw trigger, eel, lion. I wouldn't get damsels, chances are when your fish get bigger, they will eat damsels.


New Member
There is not a big enough difference in a 75 and 80 gallon tank to even worry about. Theres not really that big of a difference in a 75 and 90 gallon tank. When it comes to measuring a tank, worry about surface area. Since the 75 and 90 have almost the same surface area (might even be the same), don't worry about gallons. Worry about how easily your fish can move around and how much territory he will have. A huma should be fine in a 75. I also have a 75 with a niger, blue-spot grouper, snowflake eel, and neon velvet damsel. They're all doing fine and have been for some time now.
So to answer your question, get the huma, snowflake, black damsel (it won't get eaten), and maybe throw in something else small like a hogfish or maybe a dwarf lion.


New Member
Oh,one more thing, it is very important to add the fish in the correct order. Go damsel, snowflake, dwarf lion or hogfish, and then the trigger. Make sure the trigger is last and make sure you acclimate the fish properly. I remember as a beginner, I never did this and it really hurt my fish.