Need help with skimmer


New Member
I have a 55 ga FOWLR, with the following:
65 - 70 lbs live rock
3 - 4 inches live sand
dual biowheel 400 filter
Coralife 65 protein skimmer
The tank is about 2 months old and fully cycled. All water parameters are perfect.
Here's my problem. My skimmer is not producing any foam at And now I have a translucent "scum" that forms on the water surface. Obviously the water needs the skimmer to be working. It seems no matter what I do to try different adjustments on the skimmer valves, I get no foam production.
Any ideas before I throw out a new skimmer and try another brand?


I don't have a Corallife skimmer, but I installed my Remora it took about 4 days to produce anything. If you don't have a good surface skimmer the film is hard to get off. I still have surface film on my water...


Active Member
the film on top of the water indicates that you dont have enuf surface agitation. Aim a powerhead or flow return nozzle at the surface to break the surface tension.
It takes a few days for the skimmer to start producing skimmate, if you have had it a while, it sounds like the airline may need blown out.