need help with sump


Active Member
You could certainly use PVC pipes.
I'm curious though why it would flatten out. I can imagine this happening on the drain hose where water drains to the sump from the tank, but not on the line that feeds the tank, that connects the pump to the inflows.
You can also use thicker tubing.


the hose coming from overflow box is a think flex hose
but the one connect to the sump going back to the tank is very soft
i cut some off so there wasnt so much extra but still flatening out
so went to homedepot and got some pipe and elbows and some pvc cerment
tested in bath tub and no leaks but how long before its safe to run it
cerment seem to dry quick


so i am wondering is it safe to use that pvc cerment glue
how long do i need to wait for it to be okay to reconnect it
my sump has been off since last night and getting a little worried
i have a power head running and a 350 penguin running now
i have 6 fish some feather dusters and coral in the 50 gallon tank


Active Member
I've flooded a joint after a couple hours if it's just one joint, but if you've done several, I'd wait the full 24 hours.
It is perfectly safe to use PVC cement, as long as it is sufficently dry before exposing the water to the joints.


okay thank you so much you have been a
life saver
i guess i should of read up on sumps before replacing my canisters
but didnt have time as they both broke down one after the other
1 day apart one motor burned out and than my 405 fluval lock in broke off