Need Help With Tank .... Please

I spent so much money setting my tank up, I am not happy with it though. It is a 240 Gallon w/ sharks, fish etc. I don't like how the rock looks it is all brown w/ algea. I have 100 pounds of live rock and about 150 pounds of lace rock. It just does not do the tank justice. What would you guys recommend to put in the tank. I spent so much money, and It just does not seem to look like it. Thanks,, Justin


I got the pics you sent me. Honestly, I think your tank is great looking. All the color ful fish and that leopard shark is awesome but if your really that unhappy with the color I guess you could replace some of the lace rock with coraline covered lr or something. I really like it though, its very impressive. Do you have any pics of the front of the tank you could email me too? I'd love to see them.
EDIT- Don't you have a bamboo too?
Thanks, I guess that is what I am going to do with the rock. I had a picture of the front of the tank, it did not look very good, and now I can not find it. I will get another one, and yes I do have a brownbanded, I have to find that pic... Justin