Need help with Tank


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank, which i have had for 2 years i have in it a peppermint shrimp, a choc starfish, a clown fish and two pajama cardinals. I have been having problems with my two pajama cardinals, they are the two that have been in the tank the longest. the one that is a little bigger is now picking on the smaller one. It is biting the fins and the small one now only hides in the corner. What should i do? I really don't want to lose the one but i also am not sure what to do. thinking even about taking or giving the one away. Also my tank has been getting a brownish discoloration at the bottom of the tank what could this be? and what could i do about it? I don't have a uv or a protein skimmer would that help? Please help thank you


Active Member
Give one of the fish to a friend and what is your waters phosphate and nitrate numbers.
Protein skimmer would help. May not get rid of the brownish stuff but will slow its growth. I would Siphon it out.


New Member
i checked the nitrate and it is 5.0 and the phosphate i don't have a test for that today i will go buy one and i think i am going to give it away thank you