Need help with Toadstool


I got a nice big toadstool for christmas from the 2 doctors. It was doing fine but I just noticed a hole in it. It still is opening up and its nobbies are coming out but it has a hole in it where it has disintergrated. I have been sick for the past week and have not been doing much on the tank so I just noticed it. It is hard to see cause it is hidden by its folds. Anybody have any ideas on this? Do I just toss it now before it dies completely in the tank? I haven't been able to check everything in a few days but everything was real good with ammonia at 0, nitrite 0 and nitrate real low. Calcium is a little high maybe around 500. For some reason I am having problems getting that down even after a huge water change. Anyway I don't want to poison my other stuff Can someone please give me advice on what to do with this?


Active Member
I have a toadstool that did that. First a small hole in its top then a bigger hole. Eventually it made its way to the base and a clean hole through it. The polips kept comming out full length. I tried several fixes but none worked. I fragged it into 5 pieces and 4 survived and are doing great. One is even in the process of splitting off a baby. I dont know the cure but the frag was a lot of fun. It was my first frag.
Good luck!


New Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
I have a toadstool that did that. First a small hole in its top then a bigger hole. Eventually it made its way to the base and a clean hole through it. The polips kept comming out full length. I tried several fixes but none worked. I fragged it into 5 pieces and 4 survived and are doing great. One is even in the process of splitting off a baby. I dont know the cure but the frag was a lot of fun. It was my first frag.
Good luck!

Could you please give us some instuctions on how you fragged your toadstool please? :jumping:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tangie
Could you please give us some instuctions on how you fragged your toadstool please? :jumping:

Yea shure. It was my first frag and its ezer than you think. Take a clean new razor blade and cut it into several peices. Try to give each peice part of the stalk. Put the pieices back in the tank. They will do the rest. Its no art they just regrow. Make shure that they have good water perams and all that stuff.


Twin clan- HAv eyou checked your alkalinity? I ask this becuase it does not bode well from your toadstool as it is today. Fragging may not be a bad idea.
On your calcium levels- are you using any kind of buffer at all? I Ask this because when your calcium levels are high your ph & alkilinity typically get messed up one way or the other.
The toadstool is definatly stressed


New Member
Originally Posted by ninjamini
Yea shure. It was my first frag and its ezer than you think. Take a clean new razor blade and cut it into several peices. Try to give each peice part of the stalk. Put the pieices back in the tank. They will do the rest. Its no art they just regrow. Make shure that they have good water perams and all that stuff.
Thanks!! It won't be long before the one we have will need to be fragged it is growing fast.


when I fragged mine, I just cut the stalk , and used a netting to hold down the cap in a new location. I didn't want to cut it up into little pieces. After a week, the cap had attatched to the rock it was placed on, and the stalk was growing new polyups. It was easy