Need Help With Water


I am changing my fish only tank into a reef tank and need some help with my water. The tank is a 55gal with a 4.5 DSB of LS, 90lbs LR a small refugiun (ten gallon)with a 3inch DSB of LS and a sump with skimmer in it. I have three powerheads in the tank for circulation controled by a Red Sea Wave Maker, plus the main pump in the sump.
My water tests are:
PH 8.3
NH3/NH4+ 0
NO2 0
NO3 0
ALK 3.09
KH 8.6
PO4 0.10
CA 130
My question is what should I use to get the CA,PO4,KH, and ALK in line. ALK and KH are high. CA is very low, and PO4 is marginial.
Thanks Chris


Active Member
I would, get a buffer to adjust the KH and Alk and get some Ca in there before you add corals many of which will be picky about water quality and CA level.


Phosphate can be reduced by using a phosphate sponge like Phos-gard, available at most LFS.
You can use Kalk-Wasser or a liquid calcium (Kent makes a good one)to increase your calcium level.


I will start tonight with a Kent Kalkwasser make up water system to bring up the CA. What buffer should I use to adjust the KH, and ALK down. What brand PO4 sponge should I use?
Thanks Chris


Sorry I missed the PO4 filter in your post .I will try to find Phos-Gurd this weekend. I dont have any corals in the tank yet and will not put anything in until my water is perfect.
Thanks Chris


anyone else with ideas, or how to do's need all the help I can get. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


Active Member
I'm sorry, I believe its called Reef Builder and I think seachem makes it. I haven't needed to use it in awhile. You may want to go to a LFS where you can read the lables to make sure.