Need help with wood choices for stand...


I am going to build a stand and canopy for a new 30 gallon tank for my wife for Christmas, but I was wondering about wood choices.
I have 4 choices, these are all solid wood, no plywood or particle board...
Which will work, etc...
Oak - $97.50
Poplar - $72.50
Pine - $58.00
Douglar Fir - $49.00
This does not include stain or glue or nails. The frame for the stand will be made of regular 2x4's which are already included in the price.


I would go with high quality pine with no knots it is a lot cheaper than hardwood and you can stain it any color. Make sure you buy Kiln Dried lumber and use many coats of a high quailty polyurathane both inside and out. Also use all brass hardware so it won't rust and use screws not nails. I built a nice canopy for my 29 out of real Black Walnut that is stunning but I got the wood for free, if I had to buy the wood I would have gotten pine. Its one of the perks of living in hardwood timber country. Feel free to email me if you have any questions
I can't really give much advice on what to choose, but FWIW, I made a beautiful oak stand for my tank and it is working wonderfully, it has a very nice grain and I went over it with 2 coats of combo stain sealant. It ran me 104 at home depot including all nails, hinges, and handles. You can also get some really neat handles there, I chose some silver starfish to use on mine. Anywho, hope you have good luck and I hope you can get something from my experience. Also keep in mind that this is for a 48 wide stand and doors so my price should be a bit higher than yours.


Active Member
For a 30 gallon tank I would go with pine. It is cheaper and will do the job just as good as the hard woods.
Look for deals on stands also. Sometimes its cheaper to buy them then it is to make them. I bought I brand new oak stand for a 55 for $70. Cant beat that.
The hoods however where too much so I made my own out of pine.

mr. tang

For wood type it is all personal preference. I built a stand for a 90 gallon out of oak and then stained it a Reddish color. Look like a million bucks. However pine can be beautiful, and is not as much $$$'s.


I as well like oak, but just the wood for my hoos cost 80 bucks. pine would cost a heck of a lot less and it wouls still be strong enough. how you stain it is all personal

mad reefer

New Member
I would go with oak because when its set up its perminent and a hard wood will stand up alot longer also sand well and seal it water wont pentrate it as easiley (painting contractor by trade)also pine dents to easily.
good luck wish i had built mine.