Need help with Xenia


New Member
Hi, :help:
I bought my first pulsating Xenia today. I super glued him to a piece of Live Rock, several hours later he has almost completely detattched himself from the rock!
Do Xenia move like other animals or are the pretty much sedentary?
Also it looks like he has torn off his foot, as in part of him is still on the rock. Did I do something wrong or is this normal? and will this tearing cause him to die?
Tank Params:
6 Mo. Old (Cycled)
Amm. 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Phos. .25
PH 8.4
SG 1.023
Temp. 82
Thanks in Advance,


New Member
I will try to tuck it between rocks as I have probably stressed it enough for one day!! thanks and next time I will double check what the LFS tells me.
Thanks agains


New Member
Is it ok to just let him go with the current then? I was thinking about sewing it to a piece of rubble but would I just go through once? or through several locations?


New Member
Yes one small very small stalk, not much stalk left though but I will do my best
I just don't want to kill him :confused:
well the needle is threaded

barry cuda

One of the guys in my local club just had to post a free Xenia all-you-can-carry giveaway on the club boards before he could break down his 125. I'd been over to his house and taken some frags...there was so much Xenia in the tank you couldn't see the back or sides. He said it all stemmed from having a single stalk get sucked into a powerhead and spray itself throughout the tank. I thought it looked really cool in big masses pulsing away like that, plus he had NO trouble maintaining water quality.


New Member
Thanks Kip and Barry Cuda,
What was left of this Xenia didn't do very well with the needle, it seemd to tear through it (I used the smallest needle I could find)
So I decided enough was enough and I put him into my 29G Tank wich is home to mostly river life, right now it has one Clue crab and a couple of Stone crabs (hitchhikers) and some welks.
My water quality is good on this tank but the lighting is lacking, will a 20watt Marine Glo lamp suffice for a couple of days until it re-attaches and I can move it back to my 90?


1 Guestion???? If I put 1 stock of Xenia in my fuge but I don't want it in my main tank is that possible? I would just hate for it to take over my main tank. I just want it to help my water out a bit.