need help~!!


i'm new to the whole saltwater thing.
I have a 12g nanocube. with
2 scooter blennies
1 percula clown
2 scarlet hermit crabs
a RIO 90
questions are:
1. how do i clean the top of my sand??
2. how do i clean the little pellets that the crabs leave behind?
3. is the nanocube light (50/50) sufficient for anenomes and corals?
4. besides the fish/inverts that i have, are there any others you can recommend?
sorry if these questions have already been asked/answered... i'm new to the forum thing. it was recommended by somone at the lfs.
thank u. ne help would be great. =D


No problem blind.....welcome to the board. The only problem is...nano tanks are a different breed than regular tanks...and I'm not sure how to answer you.......:D
I'm sure someone will though......or...try the Nano forum, should be ton's of answers there for the itty bitty tanks.....:D :D :D


Sorry Blind....I'm having fun at your expense......:)
Do a search for the "poop string" and you'll understand. Once again, WTB......:) Any questions you have, feel free to ask. Starting a SW tank is not easy, but it's not hard either. You are starting out with the rather difficult size. Anything less than a 30g is going to be a "challenge", more so than say a....55g. Anyway, sounds like you have done your research, and you have some great questions.....uh...see the nano forum....I'm clueless...... :D


lOl. thankx i reposted in the nano section. how do u normally clean your tank? do you have sand in yours?
is yours a reef tank? what kind of lighting do you use?