Need Help!


New Member
Ok, I don't want to hear any extreme hobby purists that get off every time they do a water change insinuating that the use of any chemicals is a novice practice. If you feel motivated to do that, or are just offended by the insinuation, take a few breaths and then go read another thread.
I just want to know what I can buy from a local fish store that any of you have used and works to get rid of ich.
I just bought some "all organic" product on the word of my idiot fish story guy and 4 days later my maroon goes belly up. I have a vermiculated angel of which I'm very fond and I do not want to loose him.
What do you guys recommend? Any helpful comments are appreciated. I'm really a nice guy, I just have a low tolerance for know-it-all's that provide feedback solely for social elevation.
Thanks :help:


Active Member
Dumping chemicals in the display tank to treat ick is a "novice practice" and not reccomended...
QTing fish before adding, and treating infected fish in a hospital tank with "Hypo Salinity" while the main tank runs fallow for a number of weeks is a "Tried, True and Proven" method of controlling ick...
This does take a bit of "water involvement" Testing and adjusting salinity at a very precise level...
Copper treatments are effective as well but also require "water involvement" and testing as well to be successfully and should be done in a separate "Hospital" tank as well..
Sorry if you don't like the answer, but you already know what "might" happen if you go "dumping" stuff into your tank.
Your tank...Your choice...


I think some people have had success with cleaner shrimp that have gotton rid of ich, not sure but maybe you could do a search on that.


New Member

Originally posted by Squidd
Dumping chemicals in the display tank to treat ick is a "novice practice" and not reccomended...
QTing fish before adding, and treating infected fish in a hospital tank with "Hypo Salinity" while the main tank runs fallow for a number of weeks is a "Tried, True and Proven" method of controlling ick...
This does take a bit of "water involvement" Testing and adjusting salinity at a very precise level...
Copper treatments are effective as well but also require "water involvement" and testing as well to be successfully and should be done in a separate "Hospital" tank as well..
Sorry if you don't like the answer, but you already know what "might" happen if you go "dumping" stuff into your tank.
Your tank...Your choice...

I’m assuming this is a joke, or failing that an offer of a perfect example of what I don't want or care to hear again.
I can read the same regurgitated info that you felt so smart to post here, in ever ick thread on this site. I asked a specific question and you are so single-minded you can't grasp the concept.
KaOz, I appreciate your input, I will consider that.
Chemicals, products that worked for you is what I'm looking for.


Active Member

Originally posted by Squidd
Sorry if you don't like the answer, but you already know what "might" happen if you go "dumping" stuff into your tank.
Your tank...Your choice...

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I know what worked for me and many other "serious" and "novice" hobbiests...
I'm sorry if you feel the answer is "regurgitated"...and Yes. you can find this information on most every thread about ick...That's the point...:yes:
What you are doing is "regurgitating" a question that has been answered multiple times and looking for an answer that "suits" you.
I'm sure you'll find it...and I'm sorry for that too...:nope: