Need help!!!!!


New Member
Well, I haven't been on in a long time and have been real busy that I haven't got my tank up and running yet but finally have enough money to start:) But, I have a 75 gallon tank. My question is that I am still unsure on what to get. I have heard SOO many different things. I was thinking of getting a FLUVAL104 filter first. Are these good filters? I also need to know what else I should get. I am going to get around 60lbs of live rock as well. But, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of what I should get. I'm not on a 'tight' budget but I don't want to spend a fortune. Just want to get this up and running soon..... please help!:notsure:



Originally posted by msrain
Well, I haven't been on in a long time and have been real busy that I haven't got my tank up and running yet but finally have enough money to start:) But, I have a 75 gallon tank. My question is that I am still unsure on what to get. I have heard SOO many different things. I was thinking of getting a FLUVAL104 filter first. Are these good filters? I also need to know what else I should get. I am going to get around 60lbs of live rock as well. But, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions of what I should get. I'm not on a 'tight' budget but I don't want to spend a fortune. Just want to get this up and running soon..... please help!:notsure:

Knowing you have a 75 gallon tank will help the answer people well, but is it a 75 gallon tall or 75 gallon long? Also, what are your goals? What do you see a few years down the road in your tank?
Things like that will help the answer people offer suggestions to further your SWA adventure.


New Member
It's long. I don't want to do any corrals cause that is definately out of my league. I just want to get some live rock, a few fish... clowns, tang, angel(not sure yet but I had those in mind). I plan on keeping this tank and getting another one later(like 125gallon) so i can transfer the tangs and whatnot. Not looking for much right now. Just want to do it right :yes:


first of all the fluval 104 is too small for your tank. It is suggested for tanks up to 25 gallons. I would at least get the 304 but would be better to get the 404, the max for the 304 is 75 gallons. I do really like the fluval though i have one in my tank and have no problems with it. Also that amount of rock will leave your tank looking rather empty. You could get that 60 lbs and get some base rock to fill up the rest. It is alot cheaper and will get seeded by the lr. I would recommend at least 100lbs of rock total maybe even 150.


New Member
Yeah... I misread the information on the FLUVAL lol! I think I am for sure going to pick one of those up tomorrow. Now, am I going to need a skimmer or is this all I need to start it? I have ordered a kit of all the testing supplies and all that good stuff. And I will more than likely pic up lr tomorrow as well. Any other suggestions?:help:


New Member
Also, do I need to get a sump, refugium, or an overflow box?? And, when I get the tank started, I plan on putting some damsels in there... when is it safe for them to go in?:confused:


Active Member
what about power heds, I think you need a couple of those. and dont put in fish, use raw shrimp to cycle.


New Member
Yeah, I am getting the powerheads tomorrow too. Basically, I am just concerned on the BIG stuff and if I need some of it now or if it can wait.


Ditch the fluval. Every expert I've asked about them (I recently got the notion of getting one) say's they're a pain to clean and generally not worth it, even at ---- prices.
Go for the overflow box and sump. Use a micron filter sock as mechanical filtration of suspended particles, and a good skimmer for dissolved materials. A 700 GPH pump as the return.
Just one system out of many that will help keep a tank healthy.


New Member
:nope: OMG! This stuff is so hard. LOL! Can you tell I'm a newb at this?!?! I just want to do it right and there is so much stuff that I don't know where to start! What are some brands of sumps that are good but won't break me?? I'm sorry for all the questions but I am driving myself crazy cause everytime I ask someone, I get different answers!!!!


There really is no brand name for a sump. It's just a tank. It could be glass, plastic, or hermetically sealed cow dung. As long as it holds saltwater without corroding or leeching.
You're thinking of those fancy, hard to maintain bio-ball sumps sold as a kit at stores? Skip those altogether. Another relic of our hobby as we learn more. I'll look for a pic of my 75's.


New Member
If you find a pic, I would LOVE to see it. The only thing I have seen at my fish store is a wet/dry kit for around $270 with everything. I don't know what it is or does. I can never seem to catch the guy that actually knows about this stuff when I go there.... that's why I came here:joy:


You can have a fully acceptable sump setup for less than half that. Easy. Biggest price tag on the pump, which you'd still have to get after shelling out the 300.