need help


ok guys i jus started a new tank ... its 55 gal.. umm i m like truly a beginer at this soo deal with me please... i had the sand in there and i aded the water today and the salt... on the bag it said 1/2 cup salt for every gallon of water soo i jus followed that instruction... i went to a store and the guy told me to buy carbon to clean the water or something... am i suppose to add that in there? also the guy said after i add the salt with in 2-3 days i can start by adding a couple of clow fishes in there too start off the tank... can i do that or is it going to mess up the cycle... need help despretly and as much as i can.. and yea i aded a filter fluval 304... i just set that up too today... please let me know what i am suppose to do next...


ohh and 1 more thing.... i got the air bubles in there... ive noticed that no one on this site uses them is there n e reason as to why no one uses it?...

who dey

Active Member
Welcome to the hobby:cheer: You must know that knowledge is everything if you want it to work correctly. From what you explained in your thread sounds like your LFS is lacking some knowledge. Never cycle a tank w/nemo. cylcling is a very grueling process on animals and requires some hearty ones. You must first decide reef or fish. Either way you need live rock to start your biological filter 60LBS IMO for a 55G. That alone will start your cycle. To expedite the process you can add a few raw shrimp from your local groc. store or if you really want to start with a fish, get a blue damsel. they are bullet proof and will live through your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate spikes. I would return him when the cycle is complete, they are very aggressive and can stress out nemo when you eventually get that far. You have AT LEAST 4-6 weeks for your tank to cycle and i would suggest using that time to cruise around this site listening to other peoples questions and problems, you will learn alot. in that 4=6 weeks be patient and don't add any animals. Wish you the best of luck!!

who dey

Active Member
oh yeah, about the carbon, this depends on what type of filtration you are using. please don't add directly to the water. please list system specs


soo u would suggest me jus throwing in live rocks in there?...
i was thinking of putting a bag of live sand in there with the fake rocks and fake corals for the time being with fishes....? is that a bad idea?


New Member
About the "live" rocks/sand... People always tend to think that LR or LS is "alive" and special in some way. Really its just covered in bacteria. Your base rock or normal sand can be just as alive as your LR/LS. Eventually it will all spread and all be the same. In my opinion, i would buy some LR and just get the normal sand. Like i said the normal sand eventually will become alive. then if you want u can still buy some base rock if you like the shape or soething about it more. This is YOUR tank, so do what YOU like.:) But you will for sure need some LR/LS to get that bacteria in there. I think a mix and match or LR and base rock would be very cool, not near as common. Most people just buy all LR, myself included.:) I myslef just started with this hobby not too long ago and have realized that your own creativity is what impresses people and makes your tank something to be proud of. So to wrap it up, yes you need LR and or LS, no you dont need both. It will maybe be faster with both but you dont need it. Just pick what sand and rocks you like appearence wise. Make it how you want. Good luck!:D


ohh 1 more question :-D.... wheni put in live rockes will i need some special lights for it or just the regular florecents will work... i think i got some kinda florecents they dont lok like the regular type.... how do i tell the differece?????


Active Member
If you bought the lights with the tank, then they are probably plain old florecent and will not support corals, but are fine for fish only tanks. Read what it says on the tubes themselves, is it a double row of lights, or single?


i actully got the tank from a friend ....... ummm i will check the lights and get back on that... mean while i was reading and i got another questoin.... ummmm are the powerhead necesary? like i got a filter and i have it setup soo it pulls for mone side and lets go at the other is that enough?
its a fluval filter model number 304....
:notsure: :help:


Active Member
One is ok for a FO tank, but corals like plenty of water movement, I have have 2 plus a HO filter, and skimmer.