Need help


New Member
Does anyone know? I noticed my maroon clown with eggs.
Is it too late to introduce a male for fertilizing eggs. :help:


Active Member
I would say yes. Since there not paired they would likely fight since they dont know each other. Who knows mabey the female was fertile when you bought her. Thats if the breed like guppies if not then there duds".


Active Member
Fertilization occurs externally as the eggs are being layed, so they eggs your female maroon layed are infirtile. Too late for a mate for this spawn.


Active Member
I figured that is the way they laied the eggs but wasnt sure since I havent really looked into it. Its kinda weird she laid any at all since there is no mate in the tank.


New Member
Thanks, ViPeR 930 and Snipe for your input. Ive had the maroon for 2yrs. tried in the past to introduce smaller maroons but she put a hurting on them. i'll try again after this batch becomes fish food.