Need help


Well I finally did it.I might be in the doghouse but at least I'll have a good looking tank.I've upgraded from a 75 gallon to a 150.I've learned alot of info from this site so I figured I start asking questions.This is going to a project that takes a few months to even set up cause I want to get everything as perfect as I can now.So here it goes.The tank has five drilled holes(see illustration)All appear to be 1" holes.The tank doesn't have a built in overflow which I'll have to either make or buy.I also want a closed loop system to get rid of powerheads.The sump/refuge(All in one) will be a 55 gallon which I'll need help later on for plans.where would you put the overflow and how would you do the closed loop system with existing holes.Sorry for long read but this is first time dealing with drilled tank.

Hole #1 5 ½” from left side and 8" from back
Hole #2 7 3/4" from left side and 1 3/4" from back
Hole #3 23 1/4" from left side and 2" from back
Hole #4 22 3/4" from right side and 2" from back
Hole #5 3 1/4" from right side and 2" from back


Active Member
All appear to be 1" holes
This "might" be a problem...not much fits in a 1" hole...What was the tank set up fro originally...?
A 1/2" bulk head needs a 1 1/8" hole and 3/4" bulkhead requires a 1 3/8" etc...


Well after checking it thoroughly the holes are 7/8".I beleive he had it set up as a reef,but I noticed he siliconed one of his pipes(around to seal) instead of using bulkhead.He had the pipe going to wet dry.I prefer to use bulkhead but his way did work cause he had it set up for a while.


Well I guess I have to drill bigger holes.Any forseeable problem with drilling where previous holes are?The previous owner brought the tank to someone to drill so I imagine I shouldn't have any problems like shattering.What would be the suitable size bulkhead/pipesize for what I want to do.And any good recomendations where to buy a decent affordable bit?


Active Member
You can use a Dremal tool and inlarge them.
IMO I would use holes 3 and 4 as drains, inlarge to 1 3/4 for 1 inch ID BHs
Holes 2 and 5 as returns from sump, 1 1/2 for 3/4 BHs
Use hole 1 and add more for a closed loop.
Just thinking
Best to get the BHs first because some are different, heavyduty style needs bigger holes.


Active Member
Yes, a dremel tool and diamond rasp would be the easy way to enlarge them...but a good glass shop should be able to drill over them if needed (finding one with the right sized bits can sometimes be a problem...)
Sump return I would do OTT (over the top) so you can do an antisiphon hole, so 2,3,4,5 would be CL return (1" BH) and #1 enlarged for a 1 1/2" "Weir" style overflow...
And an additional 1 1/2" or 2" hole centered in back panal for the CL intake...(between 3-4, but lower)


Active Member
Hole #1 5 ½” from left side and 8" from back
Hole #2 7 3/4" from left side and 1 3/4" from back
Hole #3 23 1/4" from left side and 2" from back
Hole #4 22 3/4" from right side and 2" from back
Hole #5 3 1/4" from right side and 2" from back
Wait a second...are these hole on the "Bottom" or the "Back" of the tank????


Originally Posted by Squidd
Yes, a dremel tool and diamond rasp would be the easy way to enlarge them...but a good glass shop should be able to drill over them if needed (finding one with the right sized bits can sometimes be a problem...)
So you think a dremel could do it?I'm just worrired cause its thick glass.Taking it to a glass shop,no,no.I'm still looking for my manlyhood after moving that tank,and I practically sold my soul to my friends to move it.They'll think twice before agreeing to help move a small fish tank for
Sump return I would do OTT (over the top) so you can do an antisiphon hole, so 2,3,4,5 would be CL return (1" BH) and #1 enlarged for a 1 1/2" "Weir" style overflow...
So you say #1 for 1 1/2" bulkead right?not just drill it 1 1/2".
And an additional 1 1/2" or 2" hole centered in back panal for the CL intake...(between 3-4, but lower)
My next issue I have is that i've ordered bulkheads before like 1 1/4 or what not and when i've tried to fit them to same size pvc they never fit.bulkheads threads are little bigger that pvc threads(diameter wise) why is that?
Sorry for my slowness sometimes easiar to understand in person than reading.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Allen1973
This changes everything...
Need to find out if bottom is "tempered" before you do any drilling or grinding...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
You can use a Dremal tool and inlarge them.
IMO I would use holes 3 and 4 as drains, inlarge to 1 3/4 for 1 inch ID BHs
Holes 2 and 5 as returns from sump, 1 1/2 for 3/4 BHs
Use hole 1 and add more for a closed loop.
Just thinking
Best to get the BHs first because some are different, heavyduty style needs bigger holes.
It didnt cross my mind that they where on the bottom. I saw the measurments from the back and just thought top. daa
Good call.


well the guy that i bought it off from took it to a lfs to drill it after he got it,so I'm thinking that its not tempered right?


Active Member
If you know for sure it was drilled "after the fact" ie: after it was assembled and he had it in his possession... then you should be able to drill and grind it now...
But now we need to look at the layout from a different perspective...


ok,you are the plumbing god
so whats your thoughts,and sorry should've mentioned they were on bottom in first place.


Active Member
OK, so basicly you can use the numbers from post 7 above, but hole #1 will need an oveflow chamber built around it and a standpipe and the additional C/L intake goes in the back... centered...


ok just so I understand everything,How big are you saying for #1 intake,1 1/2" bulkhead?and for the closesed loop intake what size bulkhead would that be for 1 1/2",2'' hole?And how far down in back of tank would the hole be?And now to irritate you more how big of a pump would I need,its going to be a reef tank eventually.


Active Member
Hole #1...2 3/8" dia hole for 1 1/2" bulkhead...1300 gph drain flow potential
Holes 2-4...1 3/4" dia holes for 1" bulkheads
C/L hole...8" down from top, centered in back...2 3/8" dia for 1 1/2" bh would be OK, suggest 3" hole foe 2" bulkhead and you have more options on CL pump...
Return pump 1 1/4" dia line, Mag 18...1232 gph return flow
Closed loop, Lot of choices there ...something around 2000 gph at 0' head and an Ocean Motions 4-way controler...