Need Help


New Member
Hey i need some help with my tank. I have had it for about about 3 months and now i have been hit with some ick. I bought a blue hippo tang and after having it for about 4 days i noticed it was starting to get ick and so the fish store told me to bring it back in. Now when i just went and checked my tank my Eel goby has a bad case of ick or some other disease. my clownfish looks like it is starting to get ick as well and one of my green chromis just died. Could all of this be from the blue hippo tang and what can i do to save my tank. Here is everything i have in there:
pygmy angel
percula clown fish
2 green chromis (used to be 3 but that one died)
Firefish goby
Eel goby
2 snails, 2 blue leg hermits (all real small)
12 pounds live rock
29 gallon tank with a bio-wheel filter
Please wb and let me know what i can do!!!


Active Member
first of all a blue tang shouldnt be in a 29 gallon, you have a HUGE bioload, take the angle back to the LFS and you should be finr boiload wise, then move all the other fish into a QT tank and do HYPO


Active Member
Concur, I've seen many Tangs Hippo and Yellow with ICH. For some reason Tangs are more prone to developing this disease. Dustin did you quarenteen the Hippo before introducing it to the display tank? Dont treat the display tank or you may kill your anemone. QT and treat the fish seperately.


If you dont have a quarantine tank this could get to be rough, and yes it is most likely from the hippo you introduced if it did indeed have ich then it has contaminated your entire system.
If you plan on treating in your main tank which you dont really have a choice you could attmept to use a "reef safe" medication to treat ich, sometimes you get some results from the miracle in a bottle type of medications.
If you have a quarantine tank or a place that you can store your inverts then your best bet is to go Hyposalinity and drop your salinity to about 11ppm, however if this is going to happen you need to acclimate them very slowly (24+ hours) to the low salinity because a short acclimation will lead to shock and most likely death from the salinity change. You should treat for about 45 days to make sure, as the lifecycle for Cryptocaryon irritans(Ich or Cryp) is ~30 days.
Good luck, this is an experience that almost everyone goes through at some point or another hopefully you will have good results. :)