Need Help

kart racer

Any one have any ideas what may be going wrong with my fish? Tank is 125 with 40 gallon sump with cheato. Around 120 lbs. sand and I would be scared to guess how much rock. Only 4 fish in there. See attached pic of Atlantic Blue Tang, this fish and my puple tang look like maybe some ich but also looks like loosing some scales or something weird. Also on my small clown fish shows some signs of it but not the larger one. All corals look the same, all inverts including BTA look good. Will check the water next but looking for suggestions on what is going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Staff member
Head and Lateral Line Erosion and bad environment. Take a look at the info-posts on Head and Lateral Line Erosion in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum.
Post up all of your water readings, and give us some info about your tank, substrate, filters, etc. Also visit the Diseased Fish Thread at the top.

kart racer

Test results are in:
Ammonia- 0ppm
Nitrite- 0ppm
ph- 8.2
Nitrate- I lost the color chart but looking at the color and memory I would guess less than 20. As I said, no problems with coral or inverts, starfish, anemone, shrimp etc.
Calcium- 420
Alk- 3.2
dkh- 9.0
I feed Formula 2 pellets, Bio-Pure pellets, mysis shrimp and algea sheets under the mag float for the tangs. Like posted, 125 gallon tank, only 4 fish with the largest being 3-4" at most. I bought a long nose butterfly about 2-3 weeks ago but he cashed out last week. No changes to the tank, top off water manually every 2 days at most, usually daily.
125 gallon tank with 40 gallon sump, one drain from dt into fuge area, the other drains into sump at the skimmer, both flow into the middle to the return pumps. Both overflows flow through filter socks. Atlantic blue tang, purple tang and a pair of oscellaris clowns are the only inhabitants (fish wise). 2 X mag 7 return pumps, 2 Rio powerheads in tank, one 1500 gph and one 1100 gph. Live sand substrate, guess at 150 lbs. live rock. Thanks Beth, I will read more on HLLE.


Staff member
I would consider any nitrates a potential causation for HLLE in susceptible fish. Take a look at the information I suggested at the top of this forum.

kart racer

I read that and also searched online some last night. Every where I looked mentioned stray voltage as a main cause also. I will get a grounding probe asap.