Need Help


Hi, I have 75 gallon tank with 80 pound of live rock without any sand bend. I'm learning how to simple reef tank. As of right now I have couple of soft coral like Xenia, Pom Pom, mushroom, and leather coral. My question is how come my Pom Pom and Xenia soft coral is not spreading like see other people's tank. I had those two coral for more 6 month. I do add some Iodine, trace element, and reef plus every other day. I don't use tap water when I make my water change I check my parameter of my water and is good even I went to my LFS to let them check it and they said the parameter are good. Can you please help :help: and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I would appeciate you suggestion.
Water parameter:
Temperature: 80 degree
Salinity: 1.025-1.024
pH: 8.4
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 0
Phosphate: 0
Calcium: 480


I have PC lighting, but planning to upgrade the light to MH soon. As far as flow goes I have two 1200gph maxjet, my return pump at 750gph magna drive, and I have 1 1200gph Hydro Korilla model.
alot of people say to put them in high flow areas to get them to spread. Have they not grown at all? 75 gallon tank should require about 300 watts.


Well really they need them to at least in 300watt because I talked to my LFS and they said that PC are okay to used and one of the guy at my LFS have them on 75 gallon tank with PC light. Yes, I have them in a high flow located and yet they have not grown since then. I don't know what do to do. Any other expert in reef tank that can help and make suggestion.
i have had mine in med to low flow with sufficient pc lighting and i have seen some good growth. i wish i could help more, it just might not happen as fast as one would hope.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GhettoTang
I have PC lighting, but planning to upgrade the light to MH soon. As far as flow goes I have two 1200gph maxjet, my return pump at 750gph magna drive, and I have 1 1200gph Hydro Korilla model.
I noticed something you wrote here... you mentioned you have two 1200gph maxijets. You know the maxijet 1200 only performs 295gph don't you? I assume you do.
As far as the xenia is concerned... I have PC lighting and own these. Xenias don't require strong lighting. And low to medium flow is ok for them too. Mine continues to grow. Seems like I get a new stalk every week or two.


So what suggestion can you say about the Xenia. I'm really having trouble with this coral. I have this Xenia for 1 year and over. Yes, I palce my Xenia mid level of the tank with a little lighting.