Need Help


I've emptied my tank out so far so good on the DSB swap.i'm getting ready to put the sand in and i noticed that the Carib sea Flor super reef grade appears to be the same size as the cc i just took out.Is this what i wanted.Please help

ed r

Unless it is very fine grain, it is NOT what you want. The sizes on the bags are usually given in millimeters. You want something in the 0.2-1.2mm range. It might contain a few larger pieces in it, but it should mostly be as fine as sugar. What I used was the Aragonite sugar size Aragamax. It had a product number something like 950030. I am not familiar with the one you mention. If you can reach their web site, it lists their sand in the product catalog and gives the sizes. I couldn't get to it just now. If the sand is too large, can you take the rest back to LFS and exchange it? I know the middle of the operation is not a good time to discover this, but you don't want to end up with the same situation you had.

nm reef

Active Member
As mentioned before I'd prefer an assortment of grain sizes. The product you are concerned about is one of the types I used to establish my DSB and I am pleased with the result.....this is the info right from the web site....
Seaflor special Grade Reef Sand: TM
1-1.7 mm diameter grain size. A revolution in reef keeping! This is the one you've been reading about in all the hobbyist publications. This grade of aragonite is specifically engineered for plenum-type nitrate reducing beds. The pore water space created by precision grading also allows maximum Ph support and dissolution of calcium carbonate.
I used this type along with the others I've mentioned in previous threads. Personally I would continue as you had planned and after it settles enjoy the benefits. :cool:

ed r

Is the swap going ok? What did you decide? The sizes that NM Reef noted from the web site don't sound too bad. It sounds smaller than the crushed coral I have seen and used before I went to the new DSB. I hope some of your sand is in the smaller sizes. I am just going, in part, by the breakdown of particle sizes recommended in Dr. Ron Shimek's "Sand Bed Secrets". He lists sizes and percentages that are desirable. He suggests 40% should be 1/16-1/8mm (really small), 30% should be 1/8-1/4mm, 15% 1/4-1/2mm, 10% 1/2-1mm, and 5% greater than 1mm. I feel sure that there are many variations that can be successful, but Dr. Shimek's emphasis on the very small particles swayed me in that direction.
I hope everything is going well with the swap. Let us know how it comes out.

nm reef

Active Member
Ed ... from what I've understood that is close to the mix he is looking at.......sugar size and sea flor grade....that combination is a pretty good foundation...........he posted earlier that they've got it in place.