6line wrasse are supposed to eat them or you can use this trap
It gets one here and there...I use it when I think I have too many bristle worms Attachment 230513
Not all bristleworms can sting so 9/10 times Bristleworms are good, they eat detrius (sp) (animal waste).
Only way to remove them i really know of is tweezers.
thanks for the help guys. i also heard the six line will eat them as well as maybe arrow crabs. How do i know when the bristles are bad and when they are good?I really feel i have to much though but im not a pro.
I see them in my tank sometimes and a got a monster in there to. They really dont mess with anything. I see them poking around lookin for detris. as long as they have that i guess they are ok. Just make sure that if you do try to get them out you dont touch them with your hands, use gloves i hear they will light your hand on "fire" Just putting my 2 cents in.
good warning, thanks. one morning i woke up and seen them eating my damsel and was worried they are harming my fish. i know everybody says they dont harm fish but some people say they do.
I dont know about that. was the fish sick. could he have died during the night and they started eating him? you can also make your own trap. Just take a piece of one inch PVC. cut it about 2 inches long cap both ends drill a hole in the middle and at night put a small piece of raw shrimp of some kind of food in there and the worms will go in to feed and cant get out. kind of what meowzer posted a pic of just a home made verson
I really doubt a bristle worm will attack a healthy fish.....I use the trap when I start seeing a lot...just cause I hate the way they look..lol...I know they are good for the tank, and that is why I do not try to remove more
will they harm my anemone's at all? How big of a hole do i drill in the middle of the pvc and just leave the hole alone and they cant find a way out of it?