Need help


New Member
I recently got into this hobby. I got home tonite and my Yellow Tang has a mysterious white line in the middle of his body on both sides. I have no idea what it is and need some input. Also, I bought an Anenome the other day....he seemed fine then disappeared into the fiji rock and turned a reddish color and won't seem to open back up. I checked the PH, the Nitrite levels....all seem fine....the Tang seems ok in every other way, but I worry about the white line. Any answers will be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Thank you for the quick reply. I have a 35 hex , about 25 pounds of live rock, live sand substrate, a SeaClone Protein skimmer, a hang on filter with a mag 1800 gph pump, a CustomSeaLife Power Comact?Moonlite with a 1-65 Watt 10,00K Prem. Daylite, 1-65 Watt Actinic and 2 moon lites. The inhabitants are the Yellow Tang, a blue damsel, brown damsel, a clown, the anenome, a crab, a duster, a brittle star, and ten snails. I took a water sample to my aquarist and he said all was fine....but I bought the anenome just 2 days ago after the water sample. The water is at 78 and the salinity at.023. Hope this helps.


New Member
Thank you for the input. Being a novice, I will lean on you guys for all the info I can get and I will harbor no ill will if you blast me when I screw up. I'm looking into a bigger tank already......I really thought I'd keep the hex but I'm getting this itch for at least a 75 gal. I want a reef with corals and polyps and mushrooms and bigger fish, more delicate fish (Angels, butterflys).......I Want IT ALL! It seems to be on my mind alot I OK?


New Member
Got a coulple of questions.....the anenome seems to be making a comeback but is still a reddish color compared to the whitish color when I bought I feed him and if so..what? I bought the anenome for the clown but the anenome is so deep into the fiji coral type rock that theres no way for the clown to even think about taking residence there. Can or should I try to move the anenome out of there or should I just leave him alone? The clown has adopted a feather duster to hang around and the Tang and him seem to be good friends. The same cannot be said for him and the 2 damsels....they chase and harrass him alot. Is there anything I should do? Thanks.


New Member

Originally posted by Tagg
Hi Bosox,
What kind of anemone do you have?

Bubbletip. I have a question.....seems my tank is not that clear today...kinda foggyish.....theres some stubborn green algae (I presume) on the glass and some waving red stuff on my live rock. I checked the ph and the nitrite levels and they seem fine. I added a bubbletip coral and a medium polyp the other day. The tank is a 35 hex with a 3" yellow tang, 2 small damsels and a small clown....1 bubble anenome, who just moved to a different location last nite and seems happy, 10 small snails, a small crab, a star, and a feather duster. Is my bio load too much? Is this a problem. Solution:confused: