need ick advise hippo & sailfin


I have a 1-1/2 month old 72 bow front with urchin skimmer/emporer 400 filter/4x96wattspc lighting/ sump/ 100 lbs of live sand/ 20 lbs of lr/ 60 lbs of base rock/ 3 power heads.
I introduced a small blue hippo, 2 weeks later it got ick. I put it in a NEW hospital tank treating it w/ copper. Good news is ick looks gone after treating for 3 days - bad news is my sailfin tang now has it. The problem is I couldn't catch the hippo, she lodged herself in a pc of live rock. So I had to put her and the lr in the hospital tank. She won't come out even to eat. And I am not sure how to get her out of the rock. The 10 gallon tank is located under my display next to the sump 1 powerhead, 1 heater, and i tossed in a used filter pad out of the emporer 400 for some bio. With the sailfin getting ick and blue hippo not eatting should I try to put her back in the tank and treat the whole tank with stop parisite or kick ick. Or if I can catch the sailfin put them both in the 10 gal. hospital tank. I just don't know if they can hack it stuck in a 10 gallon tank for a month. Before I caught her she ate very well. She is now on a 3-4 day starve. The only other fish in the tank is a scooter blenny - are they ick suseptable?
No not going to get another bigger hospital tank - Wife will kill me (seriously) :scared:
No I do not feel confident on dropping the salinity to .009

I have candy cane coral, green polyps, 1 seabea anenome, 1 condi anenome, and some cool hand picked by me hermits and snails.
Long post sorry-- last question is the pc of live rock I had to put in the hospital tank - junk or could it be boiled and returned to the main tank as base rock?


Originally Posted by schenkel
I have a 1-1/2 month old 72 bow front with urchin skimmer/emporer 400 filter/4x96wattspc lighting/ sump/ 100 lbs of live sand/ 20 lbs of lr/ 60 lbs of base rock/ 3 power heads.
I introduced a small blue hippo, 2 weeks later it got ick. I put it in a NEW hospital tank treating it w/ copper. Good news is ick looks gone after treating for 3 days - bad news is my sailfin tang now has it. The problem is I couldn't catch the hippo, she lodged herself in a pc of live rock. So I had to put her and the lr in the hospital tank. She won't come out even to eat. And I am not sure how to get her out of the rock. The 10 gallon tank is located under my display next to the sump 1 powerhead, 1 heater, and i tossed in a used filter pad out of the emporer 400 for some bio. With the sailfin getting ick and blue hippo not eatting should I try to put her back in the tank and treat the whole tank with stop parisite or kick ick. Or if I can catch the sailfin put them both in the 10 gal. hospital tank. I just don't know if they can hack it stuck in a 10 gallon tank for a month. Before I caught her she ate very well. She is now on a 3-4 day starve. The only other fish in the tank is a scooter blenny - are they ick suseptable?
No not going to get another bigger hospital tank - Wife will kill me (seriously) :scared:
No I do not feel confident on dropping the salinity to .009

I have candy cane coral, green polyps, 1 seabea anenome, 1 condi anenome, and some cool hand picked by me hermits and snails.
Long post sorry-- last question is the pc of live rock I had to put in the hospital tank - junk or could it be boiled and returned to the main tank as base rock?

I would say to move the 3 fishes to the 10gallon and treat that one with hyposalinity since you don't want to treat the main tank. I would stay away from any of the other chemicals and kick ich etc...
I am only telling you what worked for me. I had the same issue and treated with hyposalinity and it worked with no issues and no lost fish.


Staff member
Well, this is tough. Dealing with this kind of thing in a reef tank has no easy answer. Setting up a larger QT, does not have to cost too much. A square rubbermaid from Walmart or Home Depot makes an excellent QT.
How big are these fish? Take a look at the post on on ich and hyposalinity posted in the FAQ so you know what you are up against, and the cure procedure.


Well the hippo didn't make it. I did catch the sailfin and blenny - had to turn all the lights off and use the force and a flashlight at about 1 am. I am definatly learning a lesson on the infamous QT tank. Though the lfs that I got the hippo had 2 and the one at the store shows no signs of ich. ??? I am treating with kordon RID*ICH+ in the hospital tank. I assume it is copper - formaldehyde 4.26% (11.52% formalin) salt of malachite green.
Well back to the treatment - hopefully with no more casualties.
One question - the instructions say to remove 25% of water every day before the retreatment. Sounds wierd.