need ID please

nemo lover

Got this on some new live rock. Looks like so kind of macro but don't know what kind or if it is? Any help?


That looks like bubble algae to me, do some searches on that. I think emerald crabs are known for snacking on that stuff if you want to get rid of it.

nemo lover

Im pretty sure its not bubble algea. I think maybe some kind of marco? In the past I had bubble algea this is not the same.

nemo lover

no polyops.
correct me if I wrong if I were to, not suggesting it squeeze bubble algea the bubble would pop and release reproducing spores in the tank?
This is kind of hard to the touch

nemo lover

Yes waterfaller
That is what it looks like. But mine is has doubled in size sine I got it about three months ago any idea on the name of macro?


lol. condgrats. um btw. i dont think thats a sand sifter star in teh first pic. looks more like a serpent star. and i used to ahvea piece of that stuff. my emerald ate it all in one day. that was about 2 years ago. whew ive been doing this for awhile.

nemo lover

Yes it is a serpent star blue/green in color and bigger than my hand.He has about a week left in my tank before he has a new home just starting to knock over the rock/coral. Just doesn't look right in the tank anymore he's a gaint. His name is sifter the sand sifter. I was going buy the names my daughter named them:D you know we have the real nemo and the real sabastian(little mermaid) thats what she tells everyone. She is only four and any fish we have ever had she knows the real name and the name she gave them.
aleast I know she learning her fish now all I have to do is get her to learn her numbers.