need idea's on a 3rd fish


Active Member
Ok so I seem to be on a creating thread roll...
my set up is a 14G bio-cube, about 22lbs of live/base rock mix, 15lbs of LS.
2 emerald crabs
1 Mexican turbo snail
2-3 turbo snails
1- peppermint shrimp
2- Ocellaris Clowns
my question is what would be a good 3rd fish? something not everyone has... not too pricey and will get along with my 2 clowns. also possibly reef safe, as I haven't decided if it will be a FOWLR or a reef.
some pictures and info would be good too!


a purple fire fish?? maybe i dont see many people w/ then and there not crazy expensive and will work w/ your size tank!


A Purpleback Pseudochromis would look good... I have one. I personally have never seen one in anyone else's tank.


I think you want to get something that occupies a different "area" in the tank. The clowns will hang out in the water near the rocks - why not get some kind of watchman goby? They are especially cool if you can get them to pair with a pistol shrimp

Oh, and no matter what you get, a third fish will mean your bioload is pretty heavy, so you will need to be diligent with water changes....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sula
I think you want to get something that occupies a different "area" in the tank. The clowns will hang out in the water near the rocks - why not get some kind of watchman goby? They are especially cool if you can get them to pair with a pistol shrimp

Oh, and no matter what you get, a third fish will mean your bioload is pretty heavy, so you will need to be diligent with water changes....
ok maybe you can explain this to me.. why do I hear people talking about getting watchman goby with a pair or pistol shrimp??? what do the P-shrimp add??


The watchman goby and pistol shrimp live together, it is a symbiotic relationship. The shrimp will dig a burrow for the two to live in, the goby watches for danger, because the shrimp has poor vision. If you look at them closely, you see the shrimp usually has a feeler touching the goby, so he knows where his little buddy is.
I think they are very suitable for nanos because they are easier to see in a small tank - in a big tank, you barely notice them.


the goby and pistol are a very good idea, really neat to see together!! Firefish are also a good idea, they are really cool fish!! Imo, not the purple pseudochromis though, I have one in my tank, and it is very territorial, I have a yellow tail damsel as well who is very dominant to my clowns... Shrimp Gobies are also verry cool, though they hide alot!! Good luck on your selection!!

nano reefer

Active Member
gobys and pistol shrimp are becoming too popular, so its becoming un original. Get a 4 line wrasse, fridmani pseudochromis, or jawfish.


Active Member
I think he meant sixline, not fourline. More common, and smaller.
With a nano, your stocklist is fairly limited, as there isn't a lot of swimming room.
I know the goby/shrimp may be getting 'cliche,' but its still neat to watch. And as Sula said, you're going to want something that isn't always getting territorial with the clowns.
My recommendation would be one of the two gobies (watchman/firefish). I got a purple firefish about 6 weeks ago, and its been a great addition to my tank, always out and visible.


I have a six line, bi colored blenny fire fish(red) and two clowns! all of them get along fine. the six line is one of my fav cause he is always swimming in and out of the holes and caves in my lr.


Active Member
Originally Posted by allen7_7
I have a six line, bi colored blenny fire fish(red) and two clowns! all of them get along fine. the six line is one of my fav cause he is always swimming in and out of the holes and caves in my lr.
ya but what size tank is that all in??


Active Member
All good ideas so far, like everyone else said a goby paired with a shrimp should be a fun thing to watch, and the six line wrasses are also very neat and active, they also eat bristle worms from what I understand. In the end, choose something that will do well with your clowns as well as give you lots of viewing pleasure. Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by subielover
All good ideas so far, like everyone else said a goby paired with a shrimp should be a fun thing to watch, and the six line wrasses are also very neat and active, they also eat bristle worms from what I understand. In the end, choose something that will do well with your clowns as well as give you lots of viewing pleasure. Good luck

thanks! I already have a shrimp... I will start looking into a watchman and a pistol shrimp. I LOVE my pair of clowns!!! they are always swimming all over the tank and start going crazy when I walk over to the tank. I know they love there new house and are super happy


New Member
I just recently purchased my first fish for my 24 jbj deluxe and would recomend the red headed Pseudochromis. They are fairly rare and I just got lucky at my lfs. He has great personality and is absolutely beautiful. With the 14g though you are extremely limited on space.