Need Info (Moved)


Active Member
I guess I don't wanna make you guys have to keep flippin' back to that board.. so here are the questions:
1.) What corals will be fine in a 24 Gallon Aquapod, regular (not with the MH lights)(2x 32W)?

2.)I have NO idea what an "auto/top off" system is.. help?

3.) Where in the world can I find RO/DI water without dishing out the $200 for an RO/DI filter? (I haven't seen any jugs or anything at my LFS)

4.) How do I do a water change? i.e: take 5 gallons out, and add 5 premixed (salt) gallons back in? (This is where the two "bad" and "good" 5 gallon buckets come in, eh?

Has anyone had experience with a yellow (long-tailed) box/cowfish? I think these are very neat, and would love to set up a 55 gallon in the future for one. But I've read that, when frightened, they give off poisonous toxins.. not good. Has anyone ever kept this type of fish before?


You really need the MH to keep lots of stuff healthy and growing.
Go talk to some of your LFS, most if not all of them will probably sell you RODI water. Probably in fresh or saltwater if you want to mix your own water or buy it already made up. Some of the stores I go to offer water cards so you get a better deal over all if you don't want to invest in a RODI unit yourself.
Soft corals are about all you should keep in a nano. You will be able to keep some that don't require high light values. But eventually you will want a MH, maybe you should consider getting the 150 or 70 HQI.
An auto topoff is a unit that can topoff your aquarium each day without you doing it. They are nice but it can be done by hand, especially with a small tank.
Water changes should be 5 to 10% weekly. Make sure you are testing your water weekly also. Your LFS will also usually test your water if you ask them to. Yes water changes are you drain out about 2 gallons and put back in 2 gallons of saltwater.
Topoffs are done with freshwater.