Need info on a Formosa Wrasse


New Member
I just purchased this cool looking fish. Kinda of looks like a clown fish - orange with white stripes. He's a tough one, he's holding his own against my two clowns. The LFS said he is reef safe.
I hear that he will change his appearance completely when he becomes an adult.
Any info or experience is appreciated. I am wondering if he'll eat my snails/shrimp. He does seem pretty aggressive. He's pecked at a rock and pulled worms out I didn't know where there.


Active Member
Definately not reef safe...just another instance where you need to do your own research and not just listen to the LFS. Your snail/hermit/crab/shrimp population will soon be decimated.
They're quite aggressive too and will most likely pick on/kill smaller fish, once it becomes an adult.
They should be kept in FO tank, with other large, semi-aggressive to aggressive fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Definately not reef safe...just another instance where you need to do your own research and not just listen to the LFS. Your snail/hermit/crab/shrimp population will soon be decimated.
They're quite aggressive too and will most likely pick on/kill smaller fish, once it becomes an adult.
They should be kept in FO tank, with other large, semi-aggressive to aggressive fish.
sad to say it but if it really is a formosa wrasse AW2x3 is right, never trust a LFS, at one in my area the lady tried to sell me a sailfin tang for my 55...


New Member
Due to my catlike reflexes and my superior stalking, I scooped him out of my 150 gallon tank with all that live rock. Now he resides in my sump to be returned to the LFS.



Active Member
Out here, in the Midwest, they're extremely hard to find and when you do, they're really expensive ($150+). I was in Florida, a few weeks ago, and found a store that had numerous specimens, selling for aprox. $80. If I would've had the proper means, I would've brought one home with me.


New Member
well it only cost me 35 bucks . thank god because i put it in my sump . when i looked in there this moring he was crab food
i didn't think that crab could catch him . last time i listen to the LFS


I am sorry for your fish-I hate that he died...I have 3 wrasses-my bird nose wrasse is the main culprit when it comes to eating crustaceans - the other 2 don't bother them too much. And they don't bother the few corals that I have.I think you should have given him more time - he may have worked out till you found him another home. And I hate that the lfs did not give you accurate information. I did the same thing when I bought my bird nose-but we really liked the fish& felt a responsibility- so we adjusted things and kept him. They are very big eaters- we feed alot and do frequent water changes!! :happyfish :happyfish