Need info on Purple-plum Gorgonia please


I was in my LFS about a week ago, and saw one of these there. I've never seen anything like it, and I really would love to add it to my tank. 'MeBigLoser' had a good picture of one that looks just like it, so I will go with his ID on it since the LFS had no clue.
Can anyone give me any information on these? What kind of lighting will I require? I am going to buy some new lights very soon, but I would like to keep gorgonias in mind before I do, since I really love the way they look. I know that halides or whatever would be ideal, but I'm a starving college student here, so let's keep the prices reasonable, if that's possible. ;) Also, is there anything that should prevent me from getting them in my 55 gallon tank?
Thanks for all the information in advance!