need info

I took my power head out of my tank to cycle the salt in my DI water because the maxi jet isn't strong enuf to do this and the maxi jet is'nt a sub mergable one(i don't think it is anyway) so will my 2 damsels cleaner shrimp and 2 snials be ok for a day with out it??

ed r

They should be ok, but I think you would benefit from having another one or two powerheads. A 55g could easily have 3-4 depending upon their size. If you don't want them all in your tank at once, you have a spare which is handy for mixing water or Kalk or a quarantine tank or ...


I would mix by hand if that is your only pump.
is your heater in the sump? are you running the
ac in the house?
stir it up good every once in awhile and try to get another pump when you can (rio 2500 about $25)