need input for tank


i have been thinking about it for a while now, and have decided to stick with my 40hex and i am going to make it into a reef. i am going to add a backpack skimmer and mh's i need some :yes:'s and :nope:'s here's my checklist thanks
sorry about the information i already had this typed so i just copied and pasted i'm lazy that way
2 maroon clownfish=$30
sixline wrasse=$20
kole tang=$23
flame hawk=$30
ringed pipefish=$20
diet brine shrimp
pulsing xenia
placing=middle-high on the rock for lighting
water current=moderate-high water current level
feeding=eats organic wastes from the water
pearl bubble coral
placing=med-high on the rock
water current=low-medium water current
feeding=eats micro organisms from the water phytoplankton will increase growth level
colt coral
placing=high on the rock
water current=high water current
feeding=none required phytoplankton accelerates growth
hammer coral
placing=medium to high on the rock
water current=low water current
feeding=not necessary phytoplankton will accelerate growth
rose bubble tip anemone
placing=medium-high in the rock
water current=high-medium water current
feeding=none needed unless a clownfish is not present otherwise chopped up shrimp
frogspawn coral
placing=medium-high on the rocks
water current=low-medium water current
feeding=no direct food required though phytoplankton accelerates growth
maxima clam
placing=low-medium-high if good lighting is present
water current=anything
feeding=filter feeder phytoplankton should be put around it so it can eat
water current=strong water current
feeding=feed phytoplankton
any false info tell me i am not sure about the dendronephthya because i heard it's like the goniporia and is near impossible to keep in captivity thanks again :D


Active Member
No on the pipefish, no on the lionfish, and no on the tang. The pipefish moves too slow and the maroons may kill it or make it starve because it is too slow to catch food. The lionfish isn't reefsafe, or at least I think it isn't. I may be wrong about the lionfish. Tangs need much bigger tanks, 75+ gallons.
How long has it been setup?
You may also want to think about feeding your fish something other than just pellets. Pellets and frozen mysis shrimp would be good.


i will get other foods than that but at the moment that is what i have, the tank has been setup for a little over a year i have 25 lbs of lr plan to get more baserock i have crushed coral for gravel, which i plan to switch out with some southdown and 20lbs of ls and i will drop the pipefish and tang, but on most sites i checked the radiata was fine in a reef as long as it's tankmates were larger than it's mouth and are there any other fish anyone would reccomend that would be for my size tank? and how about the corals? thanks again:D


put the xenia in a low flow area......go with Squamosa Clam (need lesser light and easier) and the lion should be fine
but NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!NOOOOOOOOO dendronephthya
those always die...the only ppl i know keeping them alive isvth garf org.
they are imposible to keep.....and they eat zoo plankton which you can not by alive not will die for sure
lol sorry for the crazyness but those corals need to stop being imported
Good Luck and great job with planning!


also goniporia is easy to take care of compared with the dendronephthya....if that gives you a gage on how hard it is to take care of


i have read on other boards they are almost impossible to keep in captivity and i hav never seen one on sale to tell you the truth, but once i get it all setup i will try the goniporia thanks, any other input would be great!!!


Active Member
Correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think he was recomending the gonipora which pretty hard to keep but only using it as a comparison to the carnation coral.


i understand that the goniporia is a difficult coral to keep alive, but what i meant to say was that maybe in a year or so after i set the tank up with the other corals and i understand fully how to take care of a reef i will try to keep one