Need kind of a quick response

I have kind of a weird question and need kinf of a quick response since I would like to go to bed and I have the water waiting.
Essentially my question is...
The last time I topped off my tank I did not fill it all the way to the top, I left about 1 1/2 inches. Since then it has dropped about another inch. I know I need to do a freshwater top off..but does the fact that I didn't fill it up all the way to begin with, affect the Salinity?
Thank you


You're saying you didn't fill it all the way up to begin with. So do you mean that when you filled it with saltwater, you didn't fill it all the way up? If so, then to maintain the same salinity, you would only fill it up to where it was before. If it was originally filled to the top with saltwater, then you'll want to fill it to the top with fresh water.
Well I originally filled it to the BRIM with saltwater but recently I had a evaporation and when I topped it off, with FW, i did not top it off all the way, I left about an inch. So now it has evaporated another inch, inch and a half. can I use FW to fill to the brim?


Yes it will effect your salinity, but by how much?
Its not good to just pour large amounts of freshwater into your tank, I would be careful with this method.


You also need to be careful with the water temp of the water you are adding.
If your salinty and temp is swinging a few points this could be real bad.
new readings are fine. I measured Ph as well and both the Top off water and the DT water is reading fine. The fish are fine and everything is good, as far as I can tell.
Thank you everyone for the replies. I can now go to bed without hearing the return make LOTS of noise.