Need knowledge on Triggers!!!


Hello Everyone!
Well still being very new to this hobby and have really found out how addicting it is, I think my main concern in life has gone to fish that I can't even have a conversation with... LOL...
Anyway moving right along, I want to start getting as much information on two particular types of fish because I would like to adventually purchase them buyt just want to be aware of the challenges they possess along with the desired living conditions for them....
First things first can a blue line trigger & clown trigger live happily in the same tank? I know once they are medium to adult size they will require a large tank 120g plus. But as juvenile's 3-4 inches could they live happliy in a 60g for approx. 12 months?
After pondering over and over what type of fish to get I have decided that this is what I want to work towards having, what are some good tankmates for these guys? Just so I can look at what my options are? The ones I am interested in are a Purple Tang, Volitan Lionfish, Green Wolf Eel, Purple Lobster, a Lookdown, and several different Angelfish. Now by all means i have no intention of putting all these fish in one tank I was thinking of maybe one or two after I get the triggers.
Also please any thoughts, advice, knowledge willing to share on these two types of triggers is greatly welcomed!!!!! Thanks so much in advance!!!


Active Member
Unforunately, you've picked two of the most aggressive species of Trigger.
Neither one can be trusted with other tank mates, expecially with Lionfish, inverts (Purple Lobster), and bottom dwelling fish (Green Wolf Eel).
Also, the list you've compiled is not only not compatible, but it's also grossly overstocking a 120gal. tank. For that particular list, you'd be looking at something in the 300gal, or bigger, range. Additionally, a 120gal. tank is not big enough for a Clown Trigger. In the wild, they have very large territories and as they get bigger, that territory'll happen the same way in the home aquaria.
Sorry there's not better news.


No, no, no.... Like I mentioned in my paragraph I never had any intention on getting all of those fish, I was basically giving a list of fish that I would liek to get and seeing which ones were compatiable, thats all.... Well can the blue line & clown trigger live in the same tank if big enough?


Lots of live rock and alot of ditherfish (damsels for them to beatup on when they are in an aggressive mood) and they could be ok for a while. As they grow your chance is next to 0 of them being compatible in a 120g tank. Can never recommend mixing the aggressive triggers.


Milwaukee, also remember that if you would like other fish as well as trigger(s), you need to add the trigger(s) last,
Always add the most aggressive last......okay................Peace


Active Member
My suggestion would be pick one trigger I know Clowns look awsome, but look into a little less aggressive trigger Huma Huma (picasso) or maybe a Niger both are pretty, and generally less aggressive then a Clown. Only pick one and yes add them last. You stated you wanted a 60G tank to start, if you find the fish small, monitor the feedings 3 times a week, then he will grow slower. You should look into a Snow Flake Eel, a Volitan maybe look into Dwarf Lions or Fu Manchu Lions. Just remember that in an aggressive tank all inhabitants must eat, so if you have a fast trigger in there, a slower tankmate might not be able to get food and thus start fights or die of mal-nutrition... Good Luck
P.S. if you get a lobster in an aggressive tank its just an expensive meal!
And only 1 angel per tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by MilwaukeeM
No, no, no.... Like I mentioned in my paragraph I never had any intention on getting all of those fish, I was basically giving a list of fish that I would liek to get and seeing which ones were compatiable, thats all.... Well can the blue line & clown trigger live in the same tank if big enough?

Sorry about that...I didnt catch where you wanted opinions about compatibility...I thought you were planning on placing all of those in that apologizes.
Depending on how much $$$ you want to drop, I'd look into either a male/female pair of Blue Throats or a Crosshatch. That is, if you're wanting a Trigger(s) for the showpiece of your tank. Both of those species are two of the more beautiful ones and they also both have mellow personalities.
A Lookdown, which will grow to aprox. 13" round, should not be kept anything other than 400 - 500gal because they're a schooling fish and do best with a minimum of 3 fish.
The Volitan would still be a gamble. I kept my 15" Volitan with an 8" male Blue Throat Trigger for a very long time and never had any problems. I tried keeping a juvenile Clown Trigger with the Volitan, but I just saw too much aggression (even from a juvie) for me to feel sale, so I ditched it.