Need light suggestion


New Member
I have a white and a purple light on my 35 gallon tank. The purple one blew so I replaced it with a Marine Glo. The numbers on the box read
Lumens 970
Lux 80
Kelvin n/a
What do these numbers mean?? My tank is over growing with brown algae and I think this light is the problem. What light do I need. HELP!!!
lumens is a measure of light given off by the bulb
lux is equal to the nmber of lumens per square meter.
Kelvin is a measurement of tempature that usually tells you what color light the bulb will produce.
How long has the tank been setup? Do you test the water? Was there any brown algae before you changed the bulbs? What is in the tank now?
Post some more info and I will help if I can.
PS maybe a stupid question but this is a saltwater tank?


New Member
Yeah, it is a salt water tank. What should I look for in a bulb regarding these numbers?? I do check the water quality often and it checks good. The brown algae is covering everything and is not clearing up. I am afraid that the light I have now is doing harm to my fish and live rock. Need help.
Sorry I just had to ask :)
How long has your tank been set up
What kind of water do you use (tap water, ro water, rodi etc)
In the mean time do a search on this board for diatoms and brown algae (there is alot of information)
As for bulb type the actinic (purple light)just make sure it is rated for your fixture, ideally it should peak around 420 NM (should state this on box). I don't think that it is causing all of your problems but new bulbs have sometimes contributed to algae blooms. More likely it is diatoms and easily fixed.


New Member
Thanks for the replies. My tank has been running for almost two years. This brown algae has never been this bad, and before it would clear up in a few days. I think I will take a chance and try another light. This may sound dumb, but what is better, the blue or purple light?? (still new at this stuff).


New Member
I have about 30 pounds of live rock, and a coral beauty, yellow tang, and a saebae clown. My tank has been running for almost 2 years.


New Member
pH is 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Sallnity 1.020
I am using tap water with stress coat as I always have. And the only thing I have done lately is replace the burnt out bulb.


New Member
So, do I have a light problem. Remember that this brown algae happened after the new light.


New Member
Okay, so what is the fix?? The brown algae needs to be cleaned off the glass daily. And all of my live rock is now brown.