Need lighting advice....


I have a 55 gallon Fish only with live rock tank. I have 2 clowns, 1 fire dartfish, 1 coral banded shrimp, 2 emerald crabs, and some hermits and bumble bee snails. I have ordered more fish at my LFS. But my problem is lighting, what kind of lighting should I have? what kinds of bulbs, or should I opt for a big light bar like you use for corals?


No, the tanks not old. All the chemicals couldn't be more perfect. Do you think it could be from the ZooPlex I have been putting in there for my firefish?


The only time I've seen a brown algea problem is when the nitrates or phosphates go high, or it's a new tank, or you don't have enough water movement, how often and what do you feed, and why are you using zooplex if you don't have any corals.


I have really good water movement, i'm running 2 biowheel 350s and a maxi-jet 900 powerhead. I don't
have a protein skimmer, if i bought one would that help any? I feed 3 times weekly, a combo of frozen brine shrimp and Bio blends pellets.