you say reef. But have you budgeted for all parts?
going with something such as a 3x250 with the 2/65 & 2/96 you can house ANYTHING in that tank but then you will run into two addittional obsticles.
#1- heat, such extreme lighting will push some heat, chiller might be needed $$$
#2- Operating costs. Most newer fixtures are rather energy efficient compared to those produced even just a few years ago. But when I mention operating costs I am referring to bulbs. Any larger MH system must be calculated such as 3 new MH bulbs, and 4 new suplemental bulbs every 6-9 month cycle. figure high end MH bulbs around 100 each, then suplemental bulbs around 20 each.
That weighs in at 380.00 in bulbs every change cycle
6 month cycle =380 so then 380.00 / 6 = 63.00 in bulbs alone per month to stay on target. If your not prepared for it, it can really leave you with a sore sphincter and feeling constantly bitten with the burden come bulb change time.
If you stretch to every 9 months thats only 42.00 per month, but thats maxing everything for longevity. If your trying to run a true reef, then nickel and diming your way through always gets in your way of enjoying your system.
If you go to T5 lighting with individual reflectors and all the trimmings, then you will extend that bulb life to almost double the above numbers but your "reef" may be limited by the bulbs ability to perform at your systems desired level of wow factor depending largely on your tanks design, shape and inhabitants.
Chicken or the egg? MH or T5? I am not trying to spark a hijack into that sort of debate as there are success stories with both.
Everyone gives different answers and there are ALWAYS deals out there but trying to tell yourself that your will price shop and hunt down the deals to make it more affordable really is just fooling yourself when looking at the long term responsibility of consistancy of the desired level of WOW your going for.
No urinating contests here, I will say it loud.....I dont care what your income level, I ALWAYS feel ripped off spending 500 on friggin lightbulbs for what is supposed to be a "hobby". To achive what your seeing in your minds eye and maintianing it, thats what you have to do.
short vote for what its worth?
Grab a triple 150 or 250 (250 preferred) used along with a used chiller. You should be ready to really rock ANY reef in that tank and stay under budget if you go with used equipment.
Then start a bulb change cycle replacing one at a time on an even spaced cycle that lets you grow into your system while not feeling any harsh stings beyond initial purchase as long as you have full knowledge of what your want out of your tank long term and then gear accordingly.
dont waste your hard earned money , but do spend your whole budget with intention of trying to best outfit your system LONG term not just a fancy peice of equip you cant afford to upkeep or that your system cant handle.