Need local help


Does anyone know of a website or anything where I can get someone local to come and help with my tank. I live near Philadelphia if that helps.
I just lost another fish and I lost 2 fish in my tank. I'm sure they are dead I just can't find them. My water parameters should be perfect but everything is dying after a few days.
Can't sleep, I don't know how you ppl do this everyday.


Active Member
I'm down in that area a lot, but won't be for a few weeks. When was the last time you tested your levels?? What type of fish are dying??


Check your local yellow pages. Most cities have aquarium servicing businesses. They setup and maintain aquariums for other businesses like restaurants, hotels, and doctor offices.
If you post your setup and water test results, people on this board may be able to help. If you haven't lost all of your fish, observe the survivors carefully. See if you notice anything unusual. Things like white dots, growths, heavy respiration, red gills, etc .


Thanks for replies. I'm going to wait it out a couple days and see if I have a lone survivor. We already went over my tank parameters and they are fine. I started with 5 green chromis on Monday and now have 1.


Active Member
I just checked your other thread with your parameters. Are you running carbon?? If not, you make want to. Quite possibly something got into your tank...the carbon will help to filter it out, if that is the issue.


Active Member
Do some more research on Chromis. You will find that more often than not people start out with a few and end up with one. For some reason they are known to kill off the weakest in the bunch until the aquarist is down to one fish.
If you want people to help posting things like "My water parameters should be perfect ......" won't help. The more hard information about your tank, the better people will be able to help. Do you test your water yourself?