need lots of help!!!


I could use lots of help!!! I have had a salt water tank before.. but just a little 10 gallon w/ live rock, 3 damsels, a shrimp, a little bluegreen crab and a huge hermit. That tank has been successfully running for about a year, but I decided it was time to move on. When I set up my 10g I used pre-made salt water - so that part was easy.
I have gotten a bigger tank 55g.. and mixed the salt water myself - I have a power head, HOB filter and heater - also live rock. I have had the tank up and running for about 2 weeks and I am ready to get some creatures!!!!!! My water levels and temp. have remained stable as I thoght they would - since there is no activity in the tank.
I know I still need a protein skimmer and better lighting - which will be gotten this weekend. I am going to go w/ the "rule of thumb" which is 5-7watts per gallon for the lighting. IS THIS OK!?
I plan on keeping a pair of clown fish - so in order to do this I will need a anenome right!? I read that it is not necessary to have one, but I would like to take the challenge. I also plan on getting a few more corals down the road which is why I am interested in lighting.
OK - MY MAIN QUESTION. since this is the first time I have set one up basically by myself - what should I purchase first??? I dont want to go out and buy a 30$ clown fish for it to die two days later. Should I get a damsel since they are very hardy and I have dealt w/ them before? Or should I get an invert. like a shrimp or crab!?!?
Please help me with any advice that would help me have success in my tank!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well you need to cycle your tank first. Its been up for 2 weeks, but it takes longer then that to cycle. You can get a shrimp from the grocery store to help your live rock/sand cycle your tank. Your ammonia, trites and trates will go real high, and back to 0 which means your tank is done cycling. Then you can buy some invers (clean up crew). Wait afew more weeks, then get some fish.


Active Member
Oh yeah, make your clowns your last fish or get them and then and wait on the anenome, you shouldn't get one of those for several months, they need to be in a well established tank.


First off, you need to properly cycle your tank!
Do a search for cycling a tank, and you will find all your need to know.
Once cycled, then you can add your cleanup crew (hermits and snails) then your first fish.
I would not recommend getting a damsel for your new tank, I have fount them to be VERY aggressive. I would just wait till your tank is "mature" enough and by your clown fish.
As for the anemone, you do NOT need one in order to have clown fish. Besides, anemones should only be placed in a tank that is very well established and stable.


About the lighting. 5-7 watts/gal is ok if you plan on keeping low-med light corals, but you will need much more light than that for high light corals and anemones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dhughesz28
Puffer32, you beat me to it, lol
I think I type to slow.....

Well atleast we agree with each other lol.


thank you guys.... im going to buy a shrimp and put it in.. I wasnt aware of the cycle process really... I knew it had to cycle.. but wasnt exactly too sure if I had already done it or what. Glad I asked...... !!!!!! I'm sure i'll have more questions in a little while!!!!