i have a 125 gallon FOLR. I have a watchman goby, a coral beauty, a purple firefish, and a manderan goby. I also have cleaner shrimp and two hermit crabs. I am looking to add some more fish.
What do you guys think? What would you add?
First I'd get your clean up crew's numbers up. 50 assorted hermits and 50 assorted snails. You can get away with more than 50 but it's a nice round number. You could have more variety of shrimp also. As for fish, have you thought about a pair of percs?
There are quite a few reef-safe wrasses, like the Fairy Wrasses. I wish this web-site listed them separately like some others do! Visit some of the other major on-line retailers and see the lists.
thanks for the help. The only thing I forgot to mention is that it will not stay a FOLR forever. I will be adding some reef stuff as soon as I get my halides. Which may be quite some time from now.
My Valentini Puffer never bothered any inverts, but he was probably an exception. There are Wrasses you can keep in reefs. Also consider Anthias, though they can be harder to keep.
Originally Posted by travis99
thanks for the help. The only thing I forgot to mention is that it will not stay a FOLR forever. I will be adding some reef stuff as soon as I get my halides. Which may be quite some time from now.
You have a mandarine in a FOWLR? What does he eat? Frozen will not sustain him for long. How old is this system?