Need more fish

jimmy g

I was wondering what my next fish i should get for my 55.
i only have a fire fish and a mandrin goby with about 45 pounds of live rock and 50 pounds of LS.


royal gramma, flame hawkfish, orchird dottyback, maroon clownfish, flame angelfish, yellow watchman goby, yellow wrasse, many choices! What are you interested in getting?

jimmy g

I want a true percula, i want colorful fish... i really like my fire fish and in thinking of getting one more of those in a few weeks after im positive my water is perfect or nearly perfect. about 2 months ago i made the mistake of putting copper in my tank to get rid of ich even though i have inverts. it didnt kill anything but i want to do a major water change befor i add anything else to get rid of all of it....hopefully.
Thanx a lot


pair of percs
and 3 green chromis.
you get the fish you love, color, and motion.....
thats max load for 55gal