need more help!!!all advice very appreciated!!!


New Member
hello thanx all of you who have given me advice cuz it has all been helpful...nowi have a 20 gal with a whisper 20carbon filter, a biocube protein skimmer, 100w heater, hydor nano circpump, jbj 65w 50/50 high output FL & a 20w jbj as well, and 1 hrdrometer to check the water(thats all the equip) there is 15 lbs of live rock, 20lbs of live sand, 1 gingorpra-green(was dieing but came back with extra phytoplankton and the 65w light...had 20w reg florecent be4), 1 sabea anenome(starting to die!!) 2 damsels(1 blue and 1 black and white stripe),2 sanils(dont know what kind), and a tru perc clown(thats all the inhabitants) I change the water once a week with water i get at my LFS, i keep it 2 80-79 degrees steady with a salinity of 30-32/1.023 ppl, the fish get fed every day twice a day mix of frozen and flake, the anemone and gingorpora get phytoplankton added every other day to the tank 1 tsp and the anemone gets squid every few days, the snails eat all the algea the grows in the tank but not fast enough, the is great grass like algea or plants dont know starting to grow on the rock and there are tentecal like arms growin from the rock also dont know what any of it question as always...what am i doin right what am i doin wrong? again i am new to this hobby only about 2 1/2 months in read some great stuff on here and been askin some questions but i know i need more help so thank you all who do

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by snowman7169
hello thanx all of you who have given me advice cuz it has all been helpful...nowi have a 20 gal with a whisper 20carbon filter, a biocube protein skimmer, 100w heater, hydor nano circpump, jbj 65w 50/50 high output FL & a 20w jbj as well, and 1 hrdrometer to check the water(thats all the equip) there is 15 lbs of live rock, 20lbs of live sand, 1 gingorpra-green(was dieing but came back with extra phytoplankton and the 65w light...had 20w reg florecent be4), 1 sabea anenome(starting to die!!) 2 damsels(1 blue and 1 black and white stripe),2 sanils(dont know what kind), and a tru perc clown(thats all the inhabitants) I change the water once a week with water i get at my LFS, i keep it 2 80-79 degrees steady with a salinity of 30-32/1.023 ppl, the fish get fed every day twice a day mix of frozen and flake, the anemone and gingorpora get phytoplankton added every other day to the tank 1 tsp and the anemone gets squid every few days, the snails eat all the algea the grows in the tank but not fast enough, the is great grass like algea or plants dont know starting to grow on the rock and there are tentecal like arms growin from the rock also dont know what any of it question as always...what am i doin right what am i doin wrong? again i am new to this hobby only about 2 1/2 months in read some great stuff on here and been askin some questions but i know i need more help so thank you all who do
Sound like hair algae,from excess nutrients.I would stop adding the phyto and thaw and rinse frozen foods with ro water. Cut back on the amount you feed so that no extra food remains in the tank after feeding,also turn off flow to your tank while feeding so excess food dosent get blown around and uneaten, settling somewhere in your tank and decaying.What are your nitrate readings?PO4 and or tap water could also be a contributing factor .


New Member
i dont know what po4 means but i dont add tap water i add purified distilled water to dilute it and i dont have anything but the hydrometer to test for anything (what kind of test kit should i get) so i dont know what the nitrate levels are

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by snowman7169
i dont know what po4 means but i dont add tap water i add purified distilled water to dilute it and i dont have anything but the hydrometer to test for anything (what kind of test kit should i get) so i dont know what the nitrate levels are
PO4 is Phosphate.The tests you should have are:
For Fish Only:
For Reef these plus the above:
To test Salinity you should have 1 of the 2 .Either a Glass Floating Hydrometer or a Refractometer.The refractometer is a few dollars more but worth it.


New Member
cool ill get a kit that tests all of those what r cheap way to regulate the levels of those and also i noticed there are while

sprouting up al over one of the rocks and on 2 of the rocks there are worm like arms crawling out of them what r these things and r they bad or good and is there any kind of shrimp crab lobster to get that will eat or fix this problem

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by snowman7169
cool ill get a kit that tests all of those what r cheap way to regulate the levels of those and also i noticed there are while

sprouting up al over one of the rocks and on 2 of the rocks there are worm like arms crawling out of them what r these things and r they bad or good and is there any kind of shrimp crab lobster to get that will eat or fix this problem
Most likely harmless critters,its hard to say without pics.