need more water movement, help please


Active Member
what type of pump do i need to move water in a 70g tall tank? how does this work?
the only movement is from the dual bio wheel and skimmer... i need some movement toward the bottom of the tank..


Get a couple of Maxi-Jet 900 Powerheads.
Originally Posted by drea
what type of pump do i need to move water in a 70g tall tank? how does this work?
the only movement is from the dual bio wheel and skimmer... i need some movement toward the bottom of the tank..


Active Member
rule of thumb for excellent circulation is 20x the amount of total water, per hour. example= i have a 75 gallon, between the filter, powerheads and skimmer i am pushing 1245 gph, i figure with all rock and substrate i have about 60 gallons of water..the math tells the rest.


Active Member
thanx... now how exactly do these get installed? or do i just buy the power heads?


Just buy the powerheads. They come with suction cups that stick to the inside of your tank.
Extremely easy to install. It takes 2 seconds.
Originally Posted by drea
thanx... now how exactly do these get installed? or do i just buy the power heads?


Active Member
Hang on the back filters are another cheap method of adding circulation...and can be utilized as fuge's. They sell for about $25 for a 330gph filter at walmart. I have two of those and three 170gph powerheads in my 55.