Need New Filter


Can someone help me out in picking out a filter? I have 35 gallon hex and have been upgrading to support coral...I currently have a protein skimmer (one that hangs off the back) and a Canister filter...
The canister filter is near its end and I wanted to see about a better setup. any ideas?


my dad ran his old hex (i think it was a 35ish) on a proteinskimmer for about 7 years. he never had any problems otherthen his rock set-up. he only had 2 fish though so it might have help out the filtration. this is what i remember him having:
35g hex
45#'s LR
protein skimmer (i think it was the BakPak version) rated for 60g i think
2 clowns
1 anemone
a few zoa's
and for 7 years(upgraded to a 125, fish died shortly after due to new fish carrying something bad) the tank ran perfectly. never any problems with anything
so i say a good protein skimmer and your fine. i dont know much about yours but it can be done with just the skimmer