need new fish suggestion


Active Member
well my male clownfish jumpped the other day, so now im down to a blue damsel, black and white damsel, six-line wrasse, and a bicolor blenny in my 55 reef. im getting rid of the black and white striped damsel due to aggression (think thats why both my clowns ended up jumping). i really cant decide on any fish to put in. id like to put in a firefish, and maybe a pair of bangaiis :thinking: . any suggestions?


Originally Posted by WangoTango
well my male clownfish jumpped the other day, so now im down to a blue damsel, black and white damsel, six-line wrasse, and a bicolor blenny in my 55 reef. im getting rid of the black and white striped damsel due to aggression (think thats why both my clowns ended up jumping). i really cant decide on any fish to put in. id like to put in a firefish, and maybe a pair of bangaiis :thinking: . any suggestions?
Fire fish are schooling fish, they look great in groups of 5 or more. If you go with them, put a top on your tank, or they will jump out.


Active Member
Well, first off, secure the top of your tank and cover any openings. Then, why not just get another clown? if you don't want a clown, I'd stay away from the firefish. They like to be in groups and can't really handle even the slightest bit of aggression from tank mates. You might want to consider a psuedochromis, or maybe another type of damsel, like a greeen or blue reef chromis. I wouldn't be so quick to get rid of your balck and white damsel, either. I've kept plenty of fish with the four-stripe damsel I used to have, and if your top had been more secure, the fish wouldn't have jumped out. Clowns and damsels are closely related, and in my experience they can usually handle each other fairly well.


Active Member
i know about the firefish's habit of jumping, and ill probably end up putting eggcrate over that tank in the future. both of the black and white striped damsels were constantly picking on the other fish, the one that i got rid of was the worst, and the other has gotten a lot more aggressive lately. a small school of chromis would be nice, but a school is kind of iffy in a 55 thats already about 1/2 stocked (according to the 6" rule) unless it was only 3-4, and a pseudo would be nice since they weave in and out of the rock a lot. any more suggestions?


If you have sand you could try a shrimp goby/pistol shrimp combo. I have a yellow watchman/tiger pistol and they're fun to watch.


Active Member
a shrimp/ goby combination would be nice, but i have a cbs and i dont think another shrimp would go over well. any more suggestions? what about 1-2 firefish and 3 chromis? im better at picking out coral than i am fish


Originally Posted by WangoTango
a shrimp/ goby combination would be nice, but i have a cbs and i dont think another shrimp would go over well. any more suggestions? what about 1-2 firefish and 3 chromis? im better at picking out coral than i am fish
In my 75 gallon I have a CBS, 2 skunk cleaners, and the pistol shrimp. The CBS usualy stays on one side and all the other shrimp on the other.


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
i know about the firefish's habit of jumping, and ill probably end up putting eggcrate over that tank in the future. both of the black and white striped damsels were constantly picking on the other fish, the one that i got rid of was the worst, and the other has gotten a lot more aggressive lately. a small school of chromis would be nice, but a school is kind of iffy in a 55 thats already about 1/2 stocked (according to the 6" rule) unless it was only 3-4, and a pseudo would be nice since they weave in and out of the rock a lot. any more suggestions?
Dwarf angels are kind of fun, but can be hard to keep. Maybe a Coral Beauty or a Flame Angel.