need opinion about LFS


Ok, i found a LFS very close to my house on the south side of OKC, pet place. Now I don't know very much and have only been to a few, but i am going to describe this one as best I can,
This place has birds, marine fish, reef life (corals, anenomes, inverts), Reptiles, spiders, and freshwater fish. It is mainly marine fish though.
The first thing I notice when I walk in is the smell. It smells like the asian supermarket, if you have been to one, you know what I am talking about. I don't know enough to know if a smell like this is OK for a mom and pop fish store... Anyway, One good thing I have noticed, is everytime I go, the same fish are there, so I suppose they are healthy. All of the fish are vibrant and energetic, I've never seen any fish that i would think of as incompatable, eg queen trigger and clownfish, or something like that...
They sell salt water and ro/di water, fiji live rock for 6.99/lb...
lets see what else, the owner is pretty condisending, but that doesn't really matter,
I saw a girl there who said she had a 10 gallon tank and wanted to get 3 clownfish and the owner explained about the inch/gallon ratio, and suggested one clown... which is better than I can say for The Reef Shop, another LFS...
Anyway, how does this sound? Should I continue shopping here? The thing that concerns me is the smell!
pic is a peice of live rock i bought from there today:


Active Member
Great LFS. I bet most other LFS's would just sell her the 3 clowns and get the money rather than explain things and get less money.


Active Member
pet stores are comonly odifferous
it takes special ventilation and complete isolation to even hope to combat this.
many mom and pops wont because of cost
sad but that is the facts, i takes money to keep the smell down in a LPS

agent 14

naturally all pet stores are gonna smell.i go to one that smells like $h!t and thier fish are pretty hardy.....this is off the topic but
wat kinda like do u have?


good to hear, all i know is my first peice of LR is absolutely beautiful, you can't tell from the picture, but its filled with caves, has tons of green and purple and red,
question, how long does it take until hitchhikers come out for the first time when you put the rock in your tank? I just got it today, and I am excited to see my first tank inhabitants, from what I've read, it would seem that every peice of LR is crawling with hitchhikers!



Originally posted by AGENT 14
naturally all pet stores are gonna smell.i go to one that smells like $h!t and thier fish are pretty hardy.....this is off the topic but
wat kinda like do u have?

What kinda WHAT?
he's not evil, he's got his hands on his ears to try to hear better!


Yeah just think... Your house will smell just like it pretty soon!!!
Sounds like a reliable LFS to me also, but don't just take their advice on everything... Do your own research also!! Another thing to take note of, is, are all of the tanks on one filtration system?? If so, then remember to check several tanks for diseases like ick and stuff. Is this the same LFS that told you about not being able to add inverts due to your copper intro?? If so that's yet another reason to trust their judgement (to an extent).


yeah tizzo, same one, yeah, my lights suck, i bought a flourescent hood from all glass aquariums, retail for 60, i got it for 20 from a LFS that was closing. It's just a little flourescent bulb, no PC, no MH, no VHO... not yet anyway... it's my webcam that turns evreything blue...


Active Member
I really would not worry about the smell. You can't help that, unless, like already said, the store is willing to buck out a lot of money to get better ventilation in the place.
It sounds like a good store to me.


Enjoy the new critters! We found what looked like a baby star fish but were not sure so I plucked it out of the tank and took it to the fish store they said it was indeed a star, so we plopped him back in. If we start seeing polyps missing we'll pluck him back out!:joy:
Have fun
It's alot of fun at night when the lights go out everyone partys down. (worm style) use a defused flashlight!



Originally posted by Kablamo
The first thing I notice when I walk in is the smell. It smells like the asian supermarket, if you have been to one, you know what I am talking about. I don't know enough to know if a smell like this is OK for a mom and pop fish store...

My only question is how do the tanks look? That is a better indication of how well the fish are. Oder doesn't matter unless you get it fron your LR.


i'd say they look pretty good, there are some small living quarters going on, but that's pretty normal for pet stores i suppose...


Hey, I can second about the reef shop. Hate to bad mouth anyone, but I guess if the shoe fits....
That said, where is the pet place? I usually have been driving to Tulsa, but I will take any options for a good LFS.


Pet place is located on south penn, about a half mile south of I-240, it is on the east side of the street next to la patite. Just south of the big baptist church, If you still can't find it, look up "the pet place" on south penn. Reef shop is very clean, looks nice, and has a wide selection, but I have seen parasites there, and also the sales people are the typical LFS, (in it for the money)
Hope you find it, if you still can't find it gimme a call at 703 2935 ask for danny