Need opinion for another canister filter?


I am going to be purchasing another canister filter either in 3 months or at tax return. Money is no problem if I wait till tax return time. I currently have a Filstar XP3. This filter I am going to use Chemi-pure and water polishing filters. So the new canister is going to hold filters and a ton of ceramic rings. If there is another filter on the market that would suit my needs, please let me know.


Well-Known Member

I use a Cascade (for a 100g capacity) along with a fluval 305 (70g capacity) for my 90g. At first I used two identical Cacades. One of them sprung a leak so I needed another canister and the store only had a Fluval, the 305 was cheaper than the 405, and since I already had a 100g capacity Cascade I purchased it.

When it comes to canisters, bigger is better. The only real difference is the chambers and how much media, until you get to the really big tanks.

That's my canister story....The Fluval FX5 is for a nice big tank up to 400gs. The 405 up to 100g The 305 for 70g

I like the Fluval brand, of all the canisters I have had over the years, it really is the easiest to maintain. Cascade is also a very nice one, I would have purchased another if the store had carried them.

Now there is a very nice Rapids Pro wet/dry canister type with a skimmer for up to 150g…if I replace my canisters that is one I will be looking into getting.


get the cascade 1500.....I love mine....I can put whatever I want in it.....or nothing at all...and it comes with the spray (outflo) bar.....I think that is the best thing.....There is movement across the whole top of my 225G.....