Need opinion on what to do with 2 maroon clowns


I just bought 2 gold striped maroon clowns. One is a little bigger than the other. I put both of them in my 100 gallon tank together. The big one went right to my anemone. The other one went and hid. The next day (today) the big one chases the small one every time it comes out of the corner. It has stayed in the top corner of the tank all day long. The big one even comes all the way over from her anemone just to chase him. Any advice. I dont have another tank and I dont have anybody close by that dont already have clown fish. The fish store is not open today or tomorrow. Any advice? Will they stop fighting or will the big one eventually kill or stress the small one to death? The big one will eat. The small one has not yet.


Active Member
Well you are on the right track of buying a big and small one. I think the problem is the fact that maroons are very mean. Im not exactly sure if they have changed --- yet, and what it sound like isnt just some showing who is boss. It looks like you have a pretty big problem. I would turn the lights off and let them get used to each other. If it still goes on isolate them rearange the rock and try again.


Try separating them by putting the little one in a breeders' net or make a tank divider that has holes big enough for the little one, but too small for the big one. They may take to one another after a while and the little one can stay protected while the big one is getting used to him.


My tank is visible from both sides and the rock is set up right in the middle. I wont be able to devide the tank, but I might be able to get a breeders net.


the larger of the two is the female and the smaller will become the male. they are trying to show who is the dominate. this should stop as soon as this is established. Try to buy your clowns out of the same tank, the heirarchy will have already been established.